I always wonder why people are so weird.
I always wonder why people are so weird.
I think Kinsey always gets a quarterpounder with cheese. There was also the neighbourhood restaurant lady who forced her to eat Hungarian organ meat :)
I would SO eat cat food for $5000. Damn, I'd eat human brains for $5000. (I'm poor. Can you tell?)
*Small voice * I eat boiled Brussels sprouts all the time... With a little bit of nutmeg.
Starred because of SG! Never tried the peanut butter&pickle combo though...
Thank you! Andy Warhol FTW.
I don't get grossed out easily; for instance I couldn't think of a single disgusting food to mention here. But once I was eating a grilled cheese sandwich in a cafe, and when I attempted my second bite I discovered a dead fly. INSIDE THE SANDWICH. I didn't even eat it, but years later the mental image still makes me…
Slivovitz! I think I had it in Poland once. I think. And I spelled it wrong.
Not the issue here, but: ... Eudoxie?
It's fashion legend.
All I see is Victoria's old nose, really.
I'm cool with that.
1. This not only happened to me once, but three times. (Just to show how dumb I am when it comes to sex.)
Having sex on the floor is fine. Being on the bottom when you're having sex on the floor is uncomfortable. Being on the bottom when you're laying on a Persian rug is sadomasochism. This happened twice with my ex…
Patti is mine, you bitch.
But what if they reproduce..?
I would proudly display a portrait of the pope. I would draw a moustache and/or a perez-style dick on it, but still.
That is just awful.
I'll bring the cigarettes and the gin...
Me too. And I would rock that thing. (... In my head. To the rest if the world, I would probably look insane.)