
Judging by the after photos in the article and my own experience, the character creation mode runs at a higher graphical fidelity. You can put the model in whatever light or angle they provide you with but it will still come out looking different in the actual game. :/

You’re right. Goku Kakkarot Sanchez should help him through the high school years.

Asuka slapping her handshake away was some boss shit right there tho...

I liked it. Had potential. Was fun when teammates actually communicated. Sony needs to buy it. Consoles need a good moba.

The price hike in general is a betrayal. For all its success, R6 is hiking up the price and punishing would-be customers with poorer value? I’ve been trying to convince some friends to pick the game up for awhile now, but the price has never been quite acceptable to them, mostly because the starter pack is an

I have a friend that have epilepsy and he had a seizure in my car once. There’s really not much you can do but to wait it out and hope that they didn’t hit their head on something while it’s happening. They usually don’t know what happened immediately afterwards but gets super tired and out of it, I’m guessing it’s a

Robot Cache ... aims to set itself apart from Valve’s 800-pound gorilla in two key ways: resellable games,

How on earth is this “missing the point”?

I played it from the start of beta and now I don’t even know how to play it. It’s like a different game


You would see price hikes in streaming services, less content, more advertisement everywhere.

The US isn’t a democracy, it’s an oligarchy

Yes, because those people aren’t giving millions of dollars to politicians. Who cares what anyone wants in this country. This country is bought and paid for by the big corporations and is horribly corrupt.

I realize this wasn’t a public vote, but is this really how democracy works now? 98.5% of people oppose the motion and it passes anyway because fuck everyone?

It’s a shame that part of “making America great again(!)“ involves taking it back to a pre-internet state.

Pai is a moron and happily danced for the corporate CEOs who patted his head to say what a special widdle boy he was.

The USA is a third world country and a banana republic without the banana’s.

How is that when people get caught doing stuff like this (as rarely as it happens) they only ever end up with a slap on the wrist and getting fired. Seriously: how is it not an actual crime to knowingly swindle the federal government in this way? Why does a dude selling dope have to face getting locked up but Ajit

Absolutely right! White non-evangelical women went overwhelmingly for Jones.

As you single out the admirable voting record of black women, Jewish women, Latinas, Lesbians (of any ethnicity/faith). Not mentioned here are Muslim and Catholic women, who also tend to vote Democratic.