
Hyundai (Kia/Genesis) is very quickly becoming THE enthusiast brand(s). Their recent cars, future cars, and their dedication to motor sports really is drawing a lot of great attention from the car community.

You can drive across 2 borders in Europe in 300km.  Or 5.

Depends on the country you’re in does it not? Also, charging. If you can charge quickly the range is much less an issue as you’re probably going to stop somewhere on a long journey in any case.

NASCAR: The whole country is turning left!

NASCAR, an organization that makes major safety changes pretty much every time there is a high-profile death associated with racing, will now withdraw its support from the NRA, an organization that does jack fucking shit to improve any safety measures, and in fact calls for more lax standards, whenever there are

For marketing to their actual customers, it works fine. It’s only an issue when dealing with blog commenters.

The problem with trying to affordably blend with people on something they consider status symbols is they know the details of their status symbols.

Simultaneously the world's best track car and off roader, as it's literally off the road. 

I’d say you’ve got that backwards. You can demo 0-60 to friends all day long near* any city without breaking the law, like with co-workers on the way to lunch.

You can run a lot of fans with 1600HP.

A law with zero downside. Absolutely zero.

The shittier the marque the more acceptable

This attitude is exactly why I bought an orange car.

I beg to differ on the purple

This is a horrible take. One of the worst ever posted here. Orange and purple are the best colors for a car.

Well, you’re wrong.

I mean this in the nicest way possible...

Sort of. I’d go more with “bumbling oaf.” While he frequently went out of bounds, it was usually *intended* to be fun/ny, and he didn’t go out of his way to make the show about him or his own ego. What we’ve seen of Evans so far is that he is actively undermining his own co-hosts and seems to be doing the show because