Creole Trash Panda

Gotta really disagree with you there. I have a 9-5 job and a 10 minute commute. My Switch never leaves my house yet I love the portability of it. It means I don’t have to dedicate a specific place for it. I can use it anywhere in my house. It’s also the perfect gaming device for an adult with a family because I can

I disagree. If anything, I think it’s the opposite. The Switch is the perfect system if you’re a COMMUTER or a TRAVELER. For those who live in the city and take public transportation daily? I couldn’t imagine something better. Similarly so the business type who spends half the year in a hotel or in a plane.

“you don’t know much about hackers or hacking”

“It’s about the mere fact that the sports writers are not in alignment with the mission and core values of the Hall of Fame. These writers disregarded the system, criteria, and by-laws by which guys are inducted, and ultimately the true meaning of the Hall of Fame, and what it represents.”

It’s not about guys having to wait; it’s about why T.O *specifically* had to wait. The same group of men that decided that T.O would have to wait allowed Michael Irvin, who in his prime was a coke addict, (allegedly) abused women and literally stabbed his fucking teammate in the neck with a pair of scissors was a

I was unaware that the locker room was part of the field.

You brought up his off the field stuff and then say to not talk about off the field stuff?

TO didn’t just play any playoff game with a broken leg, it was the goddamn Super Bowl. If Andy Reid and Donovan McNabb hadn't figuratively and literally, respectively, barfed that game away, TO would have been the fucking MVP.

Agreed. And if you watch the 30 for 30 special and don't somehow come away with an appreciation for Moss, there's something wrong with you 

Even worse is the fact that you know both lists will grow before the season is over. The Browns list can grow so long it plows through to hell. Randy’s needs to not have a single additional name, ever.

And your dad is an asshole for doing that

Fun fact: “straight class” is what Mike Pence tried to add to Indiana’s education curriculum, in light of his own insecurities about his mastery of the subject.

One time, my dad was on vacation partying in Miami and saw Randy Moss at the bar of a restaurant. He asked if he wouldn’t mind saying ‘hi’ to me if he called me on the west coast.
I was a teenager at the time, in Seattle, playing video games when he called. I was a big Moss fan and liked him even more because he was

Straight Class, Homie 

I can’t wait to hear Trump’s thoughts on this tie via Twitter at 4:06am

History is going to be very kind to Randy Moss. Extremely thoughtful statement in the current climate of anthem madness.

Hey remember when Ray Lewis killed that guy? That was messed up.

“Hey man, we’re not THAT close.”

I don’t think he’s a pussy, he just an asshole. He’s a lot like Trump: both carry huge chips on their shoulder, live to get the better of people, carry themselves like the ultimate alpha, and are petty as fuck.  I don’t think Jordan is scared to lose fans or sales, he just doesn’t give a shit.  

MJ might be the greatest of all time, but Jesus CHRIST he is such a pussy.