THIS... so much this!!!
THIS... so much this!!!
Not sure if you realize this...but you come off about as asinine as Anti-Vaxers. There are different chemicals/lubricants for every situation. There is no one definitive lubricant standard. It’s like you wanna be chemical engineers (and I have 3 in my family I consulted) hear one thing in one application and make…
Not trolling, but a White Trans kid is far from the most marginalized group of people. I know you probably (hopefully) didn’t mean to come across this way, but you just shat on the ongoing and NEVER ENDING plight of the MOST MARGINALIZED group of people. Blacks of ALL kinds. Trans, Cis, Queer...etc.
I live near Holmes Run Park and I am just floored that this is happening.
This couldn’t be any truer. Living in NoVA (Alexandria) it is damn near impossible for me to afford a home anywhere in the city or in Fairfax county. I am almost considering southeast DC just because the prices are low enough to get in now before the gentrification is finished.
Interesting. They left out DC. That skews MD and VA(Northern)numbers for sure.
This was a very sore spot for me in nursing school. L&D nurses are highly territorial and often made male nursing students feel like potential sex offenders in front of patients. Being 6'5, black and about woman would ever let me examine them for fear I was going to “rape” them. I almost flunked out of…
Nurse in God’s green earth did they let her get away with that. Nurses HAVE to be vaccinated every year or find your ass another job. Unless she had a damn good excuse (religion or violent reaction) she should have been let go.
Ironic how that revisionist history cuts both ways huh?
You really think he needs 12 minutes for that?
The fact that you have Syd on here makes you A1 legit Mr. Ravenscraft!!!
And the butters. I am a new man now that I know about all the butters
As a nurse, they all rank equally as bad. But if you want hardcore nuclear gag reflex.....clean up someone’s trach after a “blowout”. I still quiver at the thought of it.......
How does one delete an internet site/blog they don’t own or download. Just curious. Your prowess amazes me.
So it’s the poorman’s Carvana?
How about pannacotta
I see your holocaust and raise you a middle passage. But, you know... the whole we gotta get over slavery thing.
Nothing, LOL. I just would love to see them “deal” with Trump in a very D.C. way
You send them to Anacostia.... All of them, LOL