Ahhh yes USAA. I just opened an account with them. Only to my disappointment, and angst you have to be a vet in order to utilize those services. Otherwise so far so good with USAA
Ahhh yes USAA. I just opened an account with them. Only to my disappointment, and angst you have to be a vet in order to utilize those services. Otherwise so far so good with USAA
No mention of the NFC chip? Did you not test it out Brent. I was very interested in how the Amaze fared in comparison to the Nexus S. Sounds a bit more like a camera review than a phone review. Also, what's the advantage over its kissing cousin the Sensation outside of the camera?
*sigh* its marketing. Its not always about technical exactness. Conmigo sounds and has the same connotation as Contigo. Next time broaden your horizons beyond technical smugness
why not just scale this one up. Longer pieces to accomdate everything. Keep the same curves and angles. You would actually waste less wood this way
Con= Spanish for "with" Migo=Spanish for friend (Amigo) " With Friends"
Never trust a man who uses Comic Sans to write instructions
Who? LOL
sorry forgot to add the /sarcasm tag
I am just wondering, no one noticed the splinted pinky (it's the nurse in me sorry). How in the hell do you break/dislocate/sprain a pinky injecting sauce. This is what scares me the most.
And let's not get started on JP Sheriffs. Harry Lee was a SOB. May he rot in peace
I hear you...but I must admit that I lumped in tampering/destruction with planting. Its all obstruction in my eyes. NOPD is notoriusly dirty. So much so they help fund the drug dealers...LOL
Obviously you've never lived in New Orleans, or the state of Louisiana
I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! This is why I love the Lifehacker Community
Ok my go to cocktail is a Tom Collins, I also love Vodka and anything...LOL. I am not too high on Congac or Whiskeys (i need to try more). I like sweet, but not sugary drinks. No too fruity either.
That was a damn good reply. I would star you if I could. I think this weekend I am going to go with the Corona (I live in Texas...LOL) and the Stella. Thanks so much for all of the info.
I like wines, mainly whites and most cocktails. Not a hard core drinker... but I am trying to expand my palate
I would but I lost my invite button. I think Google closed the invites
I'm not a beer drinker, but I have been wanting to jump into the land of beer. What's a good way to start off that won't turn me off completely to beer?
With the ongoing drought here in the Houston area... fireworks have been banned in Harris, Fort Bend, and Brazoria Counties. So no sparklies here unless you want to drive to Galveston or wayyy out to Waller Co.