Her semi girl next door hotness kind of makes up for the train wreck that is the Don Ho impersonation and her vocals (which are better that his tone defness).
Her semi girl next door hotness kind of makes up for the train wreck that is the Don Ho impersonation and her vocals (which are better that his tone defness).
Same here in Houston, we are right behind the Chi and always overlooked. Guess our cities are not "sexy" enough.
yeah... with all those companies we are always LAST or close to it in tech innovations. Austin is WAY more tech progressive than Houston. NASA is a figure head here. Nothing more than a strategic placement, not because Houston is soo techy. Let's be real here... you say tech in Texas and people automatically think…
That first sentence had me... I am dying laughing. I must agree they are evil
Driving down 288 going to Pearland is a nightmare. Nothing but vast open space with the worst reception ever. Don't even get me started on the Med Center and Downtown..
I was shocked as well. Austin is way more tech progressive than Houston on anyday. The UT crowd would love the speed as well help to "keep Austin weird" LOL. Your snub is inexcusable
LOL wasn't trying to be snarky, but as a native New Orleanian, like Baltimorians, we are touchy about our seafood..
WHAT! Houston is actually first in something tech. WOW! This kinda makes up for the whole TMo/ATT pillage that will happen sometime next year. Now if they can fix the dead spots along the Beltway and the really bad ones on 288 I'll be a happy camper.
Growing up in New Orleans... I have to seriously question this article. I just don't like my shrimp any other way than still swimming in the cooler.
$20.. sir I think I need to direct you to monoprice.com Don't ever spent $20 on a cord again. Whew...I caught you right before the Rapture....LOL
This was a godsend. I have been wanting this feature for years now. Thanks so much Mel for posting this. I think you made a lot of people happy today...
When we got the Froyo update for the MyTouch Slide 3G it was packaged in there as well
I used to be a diehard Digsby guy (since LifeHacker lauded it so), I am now switching over to Pidgin soon as I get through typing this. i love the way it works in Ubuntu, so I guess it makes sense to migrate over in Windows.
This is one of many other reasons why I am being drawn to OSX
I totally agree
So you are telling me that Nilson has no way to track web ad revenue or views in 2011...really?
how so... they get to sell more ad space in another ecosystem. Would you not like your ad to be seen by millions of viewers in their homes, on their PC's and mobile computing device. That's ad revenue asking to be pillaged. Just ask HULU
Not to mention its costs them nothing extra, but allows them to increase their ad revenue. Yea networks thats the way to make us love you more
@Antubis is nominal: really. I was in Rosharon and my iPad could barely pull 3 bars. Once I pass 288 it got somewhat better, but its all wilderness out there...LOL
@Mayor McRib: from the Med Center up to Conroe is hit or miss.