@AndroidTeamStrike: baby steps young padawan
@AndroidTeamStrike: baby steps young padawan
@aec007: There's always one
@Nitemancometh: Full of win. Now I will be singing "don't forget the Jergens" all day
@Archnemesis_Goldenhair: no its definately not a back up, but more of an enhancement. I already work in the heatlhcare field (Pharmacist) and wanted to expand my scope of practice. It'll make me a better person and leader. I firmly belive that leadership is an excercise in service.
So I am beginning Nursing School on Monday. All of a sudden this massive amount of anxiety has hit me. I already have one degree and wanted to be a little more recession retardant. Anyone have any tips on how to reduce anxiety or any refocusing methods they would like to share.
@H0M3: I think your plan in perfect. I am starting school my self on Monday and will be doing the same thing. Use your syllabus to know which chapters you will really use and what assignments you will be doing.
@grkhetan: Dude get off of my iPad. I've got almost all of those apps. But don't forget Godfinger, flight control HD
@the.phoenix612: like we keep giving the best food and music and dynamic culture, no matter how bad you want us to go away.
ummm I work in katy and live in Houston. I see the dark side of Katy's youth come into the ER at my job ALL THE TIME. Dont make assuptions based on my avatar. But yes living here 12+ years gives me more insight to make that statement. So yes I may be from Louisiana but I am legally and damn near culturaly a Texan.
ummm I work in katy and live in Houston. I see the dark side of Katy's youth come into the ER at my job ALL THE TIME. Dont make assuptions based on my avatar. But yes living here 12+ years gives me more insight to make that statement. So yes I may be from Louisiana but I am legally and damn near culturaly a Texan.
Ahh Katy, TX. The home of the delusional wanna be elite of Houston. He needs to look closely at his wifi setup at home and also his neighboorhood. Katy kids are mostly affluent, bored and super criminalistic.
@t4stywh34t: as well as easy mac and microwave popcorn. Protein products are like gold bullion.
@Curves: As a die hard Who Dat all I can tell you is that it will end soon. It took us 20yrs just for our first winning season and then 10 years after that to win a playoff game, then 14 more just to make it to the SuperBowl.
@NaraVara: a liver transplant does not ENTITLE you to park in a handicap stop. If you are that sick and in need of a transplant driving is the LAST thing you should be worrying about.
@Pope John Peeps II: seems like someone OD'd on Self-Righteousness today.
@Celtic1888: The purple ink was the premo stuff back in the first grade
@Hvedhrungr: Thanks. I think this carrer jump is what I need.
@Hvedhrungr: Are you my twin in disguise? I use mine in the pharmacy all the time. Epocrates and Lexi-Comp are lifesavers.
Damn! I just bit the bullet on an iPad last week. Bought a 32 from a friend for 400 to help supplement his new MacBook Pro.
@Curves: Saints fans EVERYWHERE disagree with the loyalty thing. When you begin to wear paper bags to Cavs, Indians, or Browns games and still show up year after year.... then call us.