Pup: Might I suggest that you use a higher ISO for this shot. You know Gizmodo says that ISO is the new megapixel.
Pup: Might I suggest that you use a higher ISO for this shot. You know Gizmodo says that ISO is the new megapixel.
@FermentedDischarge: you know by being a douche too much it can lead to an overgrowth of Candita and cause nasty "Fermented Discharges". You may want to get that looked at. I can recomend a good Gyno if you need one.
@Lex Steers: you are right... I was thinking sponsor. I was under the impression that the sponsor actually wrote the bill or was the author of the movement.
@minormillikin: last time I checked the president can't write a bill... checks and balances and all
@N@tedog: I am ROFLMAO. Will there be a pimp map pack added later.
@taintedshirt_ie: aluminum foil works even better. but not as asthetically pleasing
@Kuwabara Kazuo: he's like BURN-E 2.0
@TheSonOfKrypton: au natural my friend. Name: Jannelle Priego. Consider it a gift from one bootyologist to the next. Profesional Courtesy..LOL
@Cordfucious of Nursing Clan: HEY WHERE IS MY PIC!!
@TheSonOfKrypton: That's what SHE said..
Comcast you are now on the clock! The time for self aggrandizing is at an end.
OHHH SNAP. NEW XBOX For Fathers Day!!!!
@thetunecatt: whispers. Hell those were screams from the rooftops. Google TV was a shot across the bow of Boxee. I think they took a chunk of the ship with it too.
@oneshot719: Thanks!!
@Jay_Simmons: thanks. I am sooo excited about it.
@Johann Schmidt: isnt that what the web used to be 10yrs ago
I got into Nursing School today. Got my letter in the mail today. I am UBER excited. Thanks to the Lifehacker community for all of the interview tips and posts.
@Korrupt: not true. You breathe in more than you would get in your eyes. Besides the conjunctiva in your eye prevents it. Other wise your would have massive eye infections everytime some one sneezed close to you, coughed.. etc. STOP PANICKING Chicken Little
@sweetness666: wait till they get a load of MRSA or C-Diff.