
Well undoubtedly they’re upset. To one degree or another they feel (rightfully so) cheated. Just imagine how upset they’d be to instead find out that it wasn’t their emissions numbers that were a lie, but rather they only got half the advertised fuel economy!!! Remember, they only got cheated out of NOx cleanliness,

Well, you’re paying for much more than a fuel efficiency with a new car. you get reliability, comfort, style, performance, peace of mind, and status to name a few. I’ve heard many people exclaim “I get 34 mpg!” I’ve never heard anyone exclaim how they only emit 0.01 g/bhp-hr NOx. Have you? Maybe some other readers can

I’m willing to wager that most people buy TDI’s for fuel economy way before they buy them for their environmental “cleanliness”. I think you’re giving people a little too much credit. and although I’m not for pollution, considering how stringent the EPA are with their requirements and the pressure they put on the auto