one time i ate a salad without cheese

OMG! This is embarrassing and sad! White washing is one thing, but then trying to make White actors look Asian by applying makeup to their eyes? Seriously, what were they thinking? Just make them White people!

Please show me this fucker’s face more,

I love the decency and class these two have displayed from the rescue to now. They've never wanted attention, and instead said read her letter. I love Jonsson's words.

I think his supporters cop to the fact that he raped her, they just maintain that it’s not his fault for some inexplicable reason.

“and comes as close as you can possibly get to putting words on an experience that words cannot describe.”<<<<< - those are beautiful words, too, and wonderful that he shared her words, in full. Just awesome.

See, fellow dudes? Women DO acknowledge a nice guy when he’s a GENUINELY A GOOD GUY!

I feel so strongly for these men. In her letter she writes that one of them was so overcome with tears that he could hardly speak after he found her. It’s clear that they experienced a lot of heartache during this process themselves.

I love them for noticing, caring and intervening. I hate that enough of us wouldn’t to make it notable and them exceptional, but it is and they are.

I’m not crying, you’re crying.

How much more evidence of his guilt do we need before his supporters accept the obvious?

The dad should sue these guys for false imprisonment and illegal citizens arrest...or something. You know, to make him and his son look good.

These beautiful, brave men. words can’t express. I can’t stop thinking about where she wouldve ended up had they not stopped. I will make sure we laud these 2 as heros to my little son and daughter when they are old enough to hear the account. I love these men. thank you, swedes on bicycles.

I kinda wish there was video of him tackling Turner. So I can watch it on repeat.

No, shut up, I got some dust in my eye.

Too babby, yes!

too babby for mammy?

How girl get pragnent?

Mammy form too babby!

how babby form?

Too babby.