one time i ate a salad without cheese

Ugh, you mean getting exercise and spending time outside with your child is being a bad mom?? See, this is the kind of situation that I feel would be received totally differently with a dad. Internet dads have been posting about playing with their kids and everyone loves them for it. But I guess moms just have to

I’m a gamer, too, but one thing I’ve noticed is that men tend to get more obsessive than women about it, to the point where it affects their work, school, or relationships. Maybe it’s a societal thing, where women who abandon their duties get looked down upon a LOT more than men who do the same.

Pokemon Go doesn’t keep track of your location, as far as I know, but it does have a log of things that you did. For example, if you caught an Eevee at 3:35 AM, that would go on the log. Best thing she can do is look at the log and look for any suspicious gaps in activity. (Unless they’re having sex with one hand on

Always be sure to use Protect when encountering a Caterpie. No one wants to get a String Shot without protection.

I’m a female Pokemon Go’er (?), but I only pull it out when I’m walking around town, on my way to other things. Or when I want to go get some exercise. I would never stay out past 9:00PM (let alone 5:00AM!!), though, and I certainly wouldn’t let interfere with my relationships or work??

I hope she gets tested, just to make sure she didn’t catch any second-hand Pokemon.

Haha, I’m not against sexiness as a means of bringing people in! It’s just that there’s a certain point at which sexiness becomes objectification, and that’s not right. Is it good for capitalism? Maybe (although interestingly enough, some studies found that sexualized ads may actually hurt sales).

HAHAH I will always laugh at this meme, too. I’m a terrible person.

LOL did this guy just try to tell you didn’t actually see the movie, when you actually DID? Like, with your eyeballs and everything??

Haha, well later on Angel gets punched a lot (and she does the punching too). That was pretty well done and not sexist. But HMMMMM maybe it wasn’t cuz when she was getting punched, it wasn’t weirdly sexual and not played for laughs like “HAHAHA let’s abuse this woman!”...DC TAKE NOTES.

LOL well, I’m asexual, so I can’t really attest to human sexuality as much as a “sexual” person would. However, there is a huge difference between sexy and sexualization/objectification to me.

Don’t let my hesitation stop you from seeing it though! I’m still probably going to see it, just because it’s Wonder Woman and I really want to give it a chance for Diana’s sake.

Yeah I didn’t go in with high expectations either...but I walked out so happy! Maybe that was the slyness of marketing or something, IDK. But it worked!

I LOVED HER TOO. I really appreciated how they made her nerdiness just as useful as the others’. I also love it when characters don’t use their knowledge to measure their (lady?) dongs! I want more Patty in the sequel!

I’m asexual (what is that on the Kinsey scale? NaN? :P) but I think I’d totally be a romantic ace for her.

Yeah get back to me when Superman’s outfit is just a red and blue thong and when Iron Man’s armor only covers his dick and nipples.

Well, a redpiller may be right about some things not related to gender, like, idk, how to cook a mean casserole. But about things that are related to gender, and women specifically? You better believe I’m gonna side-eye the crap out of what they have to say.

I’ll be twiddling my thumbs then, waiting for this well-done poll that correctly applied sound statistical analysis. *sits and waits*

I have only seen this effect cited by those who frequent redpill, MRA, PUA, or incel/truecel forums.

I personally am hesitant to like Wonder Woman because of the director’s defending her decision to put ALL the Amazons in high heels. She basically said it was OK because it was “wish fulfillment”. LIKE LADY. I don’t care about your weird wish fulfillments. I just want to watch the first female major superhero movie in