
The Air Force was already doing all the things a Space Force would do. In this era of moving our military towards more and more joint everything the idea of standing up a whole new branch of the armed services is just silly.

She had to repay her advance because she chose not to go forward with the book. He got to keep his because the publisher booted him. It wasn’t his choice not to fulfill his contract.

I assumed it meant that only three people on a flight could bring an animal. So, only three animals total per flight. These are crazy times though so it’s just as likely that your reading is correct!

Is he wearing shoes??? Now I want a pet duck just so I can put shoes on it! 


Someone really needs to explain to Mr. Trump that the Mall is packed every July 4th because it’s July 4th. It looks like that every year. 

Still about dominance with an added dose of shaming the other person. Think about a subway flasher. He finds it arousing to expose himself to people who don’t want to see that. Think about upskirt photos. If you just wanted to see a partially clothed woman there are plenty on the internet. Instead, that person is

That is seriously not ok. I took my husband’s last name when we married but I don’t think anyone has ever addressed me as Mrs. His First and Last name. I think the secretary at the kids’ school is the only person who ever really called me Mrs. His Last Name. It seems like everyone generally just uses Ms.

I wondered the same thing. Apparently it’s like a super heavy duty hospital gown and is worn instead of normal clothes rather than over them. It’s made of a heavy quilted fabric that can’t be torn or rolled into a noose. 

This is exactly how it goes down in my organization. 

Some have bathtubs but I think most just have showers.

I don’t get the hostility towards the French Revolution. I thought the world pretty much agreed that it was a good thing? Of course I think the metric system is a good thing too so what do I know?

I don’t have anything to add to the discussion, I just wanted to tell you that I found your phrase “Reproduction (sexual or otherwise) is not the process of creating life. It is the process of transferring it.” very thought provoking. I’ve never thought of it in quite that way before. I’ll be turning this over in my

I used to have a dress a lot like the one Ms. Hicks is wearing in that photo. It was 1990 and I was 17. 

That’s the context missing from this story. In most cities eating on the train is totally normal. In DC it has been seriously not allowed. Remember a few years ago when they handcuffed a teenaged girl who wouldn’t put her candy bar away?

Oh, I agree that posting photos taken without the subject’s permission is never ok.  I was just trying to provide some context as to why the woman would have been so upset.  In most cities eating on the train would be totally normal but in DC it would look like an employee getting away with something you would have

In DC the no food or drink on the trains rule was very strictly enforced until the recent change mentioned in the article. I would guess that most DC commuters have no idea that the rule is no longer being enforced. 

I live in the DC area and did not know that they had stopped ticketing people for eating or drinking on trains.

Me too but when I have a scheduled meeting with a teacher or other school staff I put on something a little nicer than loungewear. 

This. I am a prolific note taker. They are all in print not cursive. My printing is plenty fast thank you very much.