Nothing wrong with that!
Nothing wrong with that!
Nothing wrong with that!
Nothing wrong with that!
There are some English people but mostly Scottish people in the fist season. Also, the main bad guy is English and the good guys are Scottish. :)
I think raising the drinking age has helped reduce (not eliminate) high school drinking. If most high school seniors could buy alcohol then I’d expect high school drinking to look more like college drinking.
Me too. But yes, we seem to be the minority.
I want an army of Madinna clones!
This lets them be anti science and anti women at the same time. It’s also anti poor people. It’s like GOP bingo!
You’re assuming that all of these kids would be accepted into the military. They don’t actually accept everyone who volunteers.
Back in my day I was taught evolution by nuns. There was no controversy. These were well educated women teaching facts. Their faith wasn’t threatened by this.
I think it’s less about bacon and more about the fear a 17 year old girl would have when accosted by a grown man.
Right??? We need more information here!
I think you have to be drunk and your friends have to double-dog-dare you.
It’s one thing to avoid bringing it up but if someone asks you straight out and you lie that doesn’t seem ok. That would also apply to herpes, a prior vasectomy, etc. too. Perhaps that’s more of a moral question than a legal one though?
I do think a psych evaluation is called for but I also think it’s possible to be sane but have incredibly bad judgement, no critical thinking skills, and poor impulse control.
Yes! Being able to bookmark a spot in the comments or even just see comments posted since your last visit would be so great!
I went to college in the south and knew several people who were working hard to lose southern accents. It made sense. People from other areas of the country think “dumb red neck” when they hear that accent no matter how many degrees you have.
Wearing a wig seems like it would be hot and itchy. Is it?
It’s ok as long as you don’t serve peanut butter from the same jar to unsuspecting people later. Personally I would choose to keep two jars, one for sandwiches and one for penises, but that’s just me.
Rompers hardly ever fit anyone right. Just wear a dress with some of those undershorts under it. I like the Jockey skimmies but there are lots of others out there too.
I think if he was observant enough to care about this rule he wouldn’t be having premarital sex. It’s sweet that you considered his faith but I don’t think you have anything to worry about here.
Expelling someone over legal, off-campus activities seems a bit questionable to me. I guess if that sort of thing is written into a student “honor code” then the university might be able to act. Otherwise you’re just talking about legal adults joining a group that has nothing to do with the university.