
I misread it as “if he shows up in drag.” That would certainly be a SOTU to remember!

I’m close to the Smithsonian but I want to go to the furniture store/IMAX theater/trapeze/ice cream place that people are talking about. I guess the grass is always greener in someone else’s town.

But that seems more like “we just don’t mind if some brain damage happens” while this is more like actively promoting the goal of damaging brains.

So he’s positioning himself as the pro-brain damage candidate. That’s different. Wonder if he also supports lead poisoning or if he’s only for trauma-related brain damage?

Why are we still thinking of parental leave as a women's issue? Even people who will never have children still start off as children. This issue affects every child being born in America.

This attitude is also bad for actual teleworkers. It makes it seem like working at home is some kind of vacation. When I telework I am WORKING. I can’t also care for a small child at the same time.

I am developing one in the same spot my grandfather had one. When it gets bigger in a few years (assuming I follow his pattern) I am planning to dye it blue or purple. I can’t wait!

Eh, I see lots of stuff on social media that I don't need to see. I just scroll past it.

At least they gave Sailor a normal middle name. (I don’t know what the others’ middle names are and don’t care enough to google.)

Yes! “I’m reporting live from outside the courthouse. Of course, it is six in the morning so the courthouse is closed... But trust me, there will be some serious news going down here later today.”

I have the plastic lid version of this from about 8 or 9 years ago. The plastic lid finally cracked last year but that is only because my 20 pound cat keeps jumping on it. (He is too fat to jump all the way to the counter so uses the trash can as a step stool.)

I have the plastic lid version of this from about 8 or 9 years ago. The plastic lid finally cracked last year but

Do trolls know they are trolls? I fear that many are actually sincere, they just happen to be assholes.

I guess there would have to be a lot of self discipline behind the scenes for her to achieve what she has.

I’m old enough that I was listening to Madonna in the Material Girl, big lace hair bow days. I know people change over time, but I am having a hard time imagining her as a strict parent.

I like this theory. They were all there to spend the gift cards they'd gotten for Christmas and all that pent up mall rage just exploded.

In my head this plays out like a Bollywood movie but with hula dancing.

How drunk does one have to be to make the combination of fireworks and genitals sound like a good idea?

In nearly 20 years of marriage the only things I routinely take my rings off for are working with dough or ground beef, swimming in the ocean, and weight training at the gym. No reason to take them off for simple hand washing.

In the car on the way home my 15 year old daughter remarked on how great it was to see an action movie with a female character that does more than just get rescued.

I had no idea we had cards. If we do, it seems like they should come free inside every box of tampons.