
That is one happy kitty!

Yes, but even in a hospital it’s not like they administer medication and bam, 20 minutes later you’re pushing out a baby. It’s not even like there’s a standard timetable where you can know it will take a certain number of hours.

Are you wearing them as a backup or instead of a tampon/pad/cup/whatever?

The wake up light is showing $91 from a non-Amazon seller. I assume this means the $55 sold out. :(

The wake up light is showing $91 from a non-Amazon seller. I assume this means the $55 sold out. :(

The only question I can ever remember seeing on insurance forms is something about “was this from a work related accident?” I’ve never seen any questions about restitution, civil settlements, or anything else like that so I would assume it would be covered.

Off topic but this is what actually made me a little uncomfortable telling my parents I was pregnant. Sure, when boyfriend and I were living together they probably assumed we were having sex. They almost certainly assumed we were having sex once we got married but they didn't have to KNOW it.

She was actually commenting on the fact that there’s not a better screening test. Her biopsy had come back negative. Mammograms result in a lot of false positives that then trigger invasive follow-ups.

FWIW: I usually read this site on my iPhone and finally got motivated yesterday to download an ad blocker.

Can we tie this into the fake pregnancy rumor? (I don’t actually believe that but I enjoy imagining that it could be true.)

I'm only in my 40s and I have to think to be sure of my exact age.

That actually makes less sense than forgetting a birth year. He named you! (Or helped name you.)

Are there the same number of false positives with prostate screening? Not being snarky, I’m actually curious. I thought the PSA blood test was pretty good but since I don't own a prostate I don't follow prostate cancer news super closely.

Maybe not useless but we definitely need something better.

You want to know because you can smell it in the room but unless you know exactly where it is you don’t know where to spray the Nature’s Miricale carpet cleaner. (Voice of unfortunate experience.)

You want to know because you can smell it in the room but unless you know exactly where it is you don’t know where

He turned himself in but they think he's a flight risk?

I don't think the joke here is that the actor is a man dressed as a woman. It would be just as funny if a woman played this role. The joke is that a mom freaked out and did very non-mom things over OJ.

Yes! My first baby was incredibly fussy. I had a supportive partner, enough money, and good healthcare available. I can certainly understand why people who aren't that lucky can sometimes do awful things.

Yeah, I'm trying to figure out how a sink would work. Seems awkward.

Maybe if making the jewelry is her business she's able to deduct the cost of the vacation?

Surprisingly, mine has lasted several years now. It was sort of an impulse purchase. I heard bad things about the brand after I bought it but figured it was worth $30 to find out if I even liked having a rice cooker before shelling out the money for a more expensive brand.