I've actually been enjoying comparing the two and guessing at the reasons for some of the changes.
I've actually been enjoying comparing the two and guessing at the reasons for some of the changes.
Genius! I have an iPhone 6 not the 6+ so I think I will get the slightly smaller model but I am going to order this tonight!
Genius! I have an iPhone 6 not the 6+ so I think I will get the slightly smaller model but I am going to order this…
Really? What's great about it? I usually just buy the giant jar at Costco.
And provided you're not using condoms. Other than that I love it! Works great and doesn't scream SEX if your mom or kids see it in the bathroom.
What? That is not sexy at all. Why would someone do that? No one likes hair in their mouth.
Do you have a list of those states? For the price difference it could be worth a trip for those who live near a state border.
Do you have a list of those states? For the price difference it could be worth a trip for those who live near a…
Look closely. The top has holes. It’s built to hold the pump horns (funnel looking part that goes against the breast) in place so you can pump hands free. The skinny part of the horn/funnel sticks out the hole but the flared part is held in place under the fabric.
Agree. It was very popular in the early 1990s. Maybe it's coming back in style along with 90s fashions?
This. When my kids were that age we declined plenty of birthday parties. Sometimes it wasn’t even that they didn’t like the other kid, more just that they weren’t really friends. If your kid is also involved in scouts and sports you will end up at some kid’s birthday party every weekend if you don’t start RSVPing no…
That was what I thought too but the article said older moms had more time between births.
Wish I could but at 41 my personal experience is that the metabolism only gets worse. The extra confidence and all around awesomeness makes up for some of it though.
It’s not just that. You also have to binge-watch many episodes of Grey’s Anatomy and ER. It's a major time commitment!
It’s not even that they can’t be considered healthy, it’s that they don’t meet the FDA standard to make the “healthy” claim on their label. The FDA has specific regulations for any nutritional claims like healthy, light, high fiber, low fat, etc. If your product doesn't meet those thresholds then you don't get to make…
This is why I can’t figure out how Kind let this happen. There are very specific regulations for any nutritional claims. You can argue that nuts are healthy or that the FDA regs are wrong/outdated but they are still the regs. Kind had to know this. Now they are stuck with a mountain of bad publicity.
I don't think we've seen his wife. We never "see" her in the book either. Apparently she and the kids live at his estate somewhere while he hangs out at the castle doing castle stuff.
I watched that opening scene several times trying to figure out what was going on with the positioning. Unfortunately my husband has been unavailable to help me try to work it out in real life.
Afraid not. I’m pretty sure once it’s legal for you then it’s no longer cool.
You’re right, I am a mom. I talked to my husband to get his view. He admitted he might be a little “hur-hur, lucky kid” at the idea of a 16 or 17 year old boy in this scenario but wanted me to emphasize that would be about the IDEA of it not the actual occurance. He agreed that even the idea of it for a twelve year…
Can my tiny domesticated teacup bear be a polar bear? Please??
I have a fifth grade son. The idea of him in a “relationship” with an adult woman next year makes me physically ill. He is a child. He is not even allowed to use the stove without an adult around.