
Can you wink? I can't. I can sort of move one brow but my eyelids only move as a team.

Someone told me a while back that it's kind of an open secret that many of these couples don't actually have sex right away. I'm sure some do but apparently many take a little while to work up to it.

Someone once explained to me on here that many of these couples don't jump straight to sex right after the wedding. I don't think her experience was quite as extreme as no kissing or even "front hugging" but she said its kind of an open secret that many of these couples take a little while to get to know each other

"Meh, you're good enough" is exactly the look she has on her face. I don't think I've ever seen anyone look bored at their own wedding or when talking about their recent wedding before now.

Twitter followers? Instagram followers? Or both combined with other social media platforms that I'm not young and hip enough to know about?

It's good in a smoothie mixed with about 1/3 fruit because the fruit covers the kale (or spinach or whatever) taste. I make a these at home with a frozen mixed berry mix all the time. I have to drink it in an opaque cup though because it looks awful.

This. When I belonged to a CSA I learned that you can take any leafy green, sauté with olive oil and garlic, and it will taste good.

You could sell that on Etsy and make a fortune!

My thought exactly. Sounds like a April Fool's joke.

I've seen sales associates there wearing hijeab. I don't think there's any reason it would be an issue.

This is what I use: http://www.sephora.com/uv-plus-hp-day… It's enough moisture for me for day use but I'm mostly a combination type skin person. If your skin is more dry it might not be enough moisture. I don't usually have success with products that only come in light/dark because my pasty white skin is too fair

Personally I choose Sephora over department stores because they can help me compare many brands vs. going to the counter for a specific brand at the department store.

I was just at Sephora today looking for a new mascara because mine ALWAYS smudges under my eyes, even with waterproof mascara. The nice salesperson suggested that I use a setting powder under my eyes (over any concealer). She suggested this one: http://www.sephora.com/translucent-lo… She said that they also make

Personally I haven't noticed a difference at Sephora. I wouldn't continue shopping there if I did. I am usually looking sloppy and wearing little if any makeup. I'm there to run errands not look pretty. :)

Are these lighter feeling than regular lipstick? I like the Fresh Sugar lip color but most lipstick is too dry for me. I'm a lip balm addict!

And Aerie has samples of every size they carry available to try on. You might have to end up mail ordering but at least you can try on the size/style you want. I discovered them when my daughter first made the leap to "real bras" instead of just soft bralettes.

Different bodies. Those are the only boy shorts I can wear. Somehow the seam up the middle keeps them from trying to cram their entire fabric into my butt.

Office work I guess? They must have work that involves managing an office rather than lifting boxes.

But supporting the babies would mean ruling against UPS here wouldn't it? That's whst has me confused.

Yes! My "baby" is in fifth grade but is still buy Lansinoh and keep a tube around the house.