Because summer. (Don't usually leave it wide open but will sometimes leave it cracked.)
Because summer. (Don't usually leave it wide open but will sometimes leave it cracked.)
I can't figure out if I hope her home life was bad or not. I mean if the kidnapper was an abusive or neglectful parent then this could be a fairytale happy ending. On the other hand it feels wrong to think "Well I hope she had a shitty childhood."
I can't imagine how traumatic it would be to find out that the only mother you've ever known is not only not your birth mother but is also a terrible person who would steal a baby.
Exactly! I'm not a redhead but I have super fair skin. That meant that when all my girlfriends were sunbathing I was in the shade with a giant hat and SPF 70 sunscreen. The upside is that I am in my 40s now and can easily pass for 10 years younger than most other women my age.
I'm pretty sure my mother-in-law owned that exact scarf in the mid 1990s.
Neither of my kids got my husband's red hair but my daughter has beautiful red highlights in her brown hair. I have seen women drop hundreds of dollars at salons trying to get highlights that look like hers.
I was just thinking the same thing about my 14-year-old. (mostly joking)
I don't think that turtleneck type neckline works well at all for large busted women.
Yeah but no one wants to think about their parents having any kind of sex. I don't want to think about my parents having had sex. My kids don't want to think about me and my husband having sex. My mother is a widow now and while I would wholeheartedly support her if she decides to start dating I still don't want to…
I twlework most of the time. I refer to my usual work clothes as my daytime PJs.
And also has never heard of Google.
I love history tangents!
I hear you. I feel ridiculous feeding my cat their green pea and duck formula but it's the only thing I found other then the prescription hypoallergenic food from the vet that seems to agree with his fussy digestive system.
They would be impressively large eggs.
I thought they were oranges and was excited because I thought I'd discovered a new orange eating technique. (Yes, I shold probably get out more.)
I bet that's what the royal family told her to say!
It reminded me of a maternity dress from before form-fitting maternity styles became popular. Was trying to remember if she was pregnant. Alas, no princess on the way. :(
Right. The fat in breast milk will separate when refrigerated just like in unhomogenized cows' milk. You just shake or swirl it back together before using.
On the one hand it does sort of look like an adult baby fetish when you combine them altogether like this. On the other hand, some of these look much more wearable in real life than a lot of the runway stuff I've seen.