I love monthlyinfo.com! I just checked and I've been using it since 2009. Great option if you want a simple, non-flowery period tracker. I have it set to email me three days before my period is supposed to start so I don't get caught unprepared.
I love monthlyinfo.com! I just checked and I've been using it since 2009. Great option if you want a simple, non-flowery period tracker. I have it set to email me three days before my period is supposed to start so I don't get caught unprepared.
Wow. The Internet truly has something for everyone.
That is exactly how my lady bits reacted when I read the headline and thought about how steam burns on my labia would feel.
I was thinking along the lines of finish the school year at the community college while living at home and working to pay off the hotel bill.
Yeah, I could see being upset because your partner woke you up. I have to get up early for work. I don't want to be woken up for anything short of a fire.
Definitely not ok if it's not someone you're not already having sex with. Regular house guests just have to go in the bathroom if they need to take care of business.
Did you try Kilz type paint? You probably found that tip on the internet already but thought I'd mention it just in case. We used it to paint over peed on subfloor and it worked well.
I would definitely click on those.
Actually, I think I'm more interested to know what's going on with those strips of stuff (mylar?) that are scotch taped to the side. I've seen penises before but I've never seen anything like that mess!
Agree. I liked that it was just "Oh, you're on your period? So what?" Seemed OK to me.
They always have to go and drag DC into it! Just leave DC alone!!!
In a way I'm more ok with this. It seems more ethically consistent than supporting exceptions for rape/incest.
Are the ships always in-service? I would've thought that they would have at least a few days or weeks of downtime each year where they wouldn't be able to host guests.
Great for kidney dialysis patients also. It is hard to plan a vacation that will accommodate your need for dialysis several hours a day 2 to 3 times a week. With "dialysis at sea" you and your family can still take a lovely vacation.
DDD Books would like to publish your story.
Fair point.
There's a group called the Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests. They claim they are legit because the originals were ordained by an unnamed RC bishop in good standing. Rome says the original group was ordained by an excommunicated priest in Argentina.
I think your mom is probably right.
Maybe overly aggressive grooming or play-fighting with another cat? (Assuming you have more than one cat)
If it starts raining then they will get wet. This is not a crisis. When my children were 10 and 6 I did not let them roam this far because frankly my oldest is kind of flighty and wasn't up to the responsibility.