To be fair, I think all humans only need grilled cheese and sex. Maybe chocolate too but that's about it.
To be fair, I think all humans only need grilled cheese and sex. Maybe chocolate too but that's about it.
Thank you for this info.
I regret that I can only star this once.
I thought it was funny too. I'm assuming that's what they were going for.
And I thought seeing that in the theater at about the same age with my dad was awkward. You have me beat by a mile!
This was actually quite educational. Thank you.
I am in NOVA! Union Mill Pediatrics?
I thought a nothing burger was made of nothing so therefore is already vegan. A turkey burger is made of turkey, right? Or is the concern more for any fillers, binders, or spices that are used with the nothing?
I can't believe your doctor said that! Ours usually just goes for "I'm going to look inside your underwear now" unless more specifics details are medically needed. He also usually adds a short lecture about how this is ok because he's the doctor and your parents are here but that it's never ok for someone to do this…
I found "vulva" to be suitable for describing the general area. I actually hate when parents use "vagina" to describe the whole region. It's better than calling it your "dinga-linga-wow-wow" or whatever made up silliness but if you're going to try to use the right words than use the right words! You wouldn't teach…
Guess they had to make sure they had a group that would not enjoy it before they started with the oral sex?
Yes! That voice is like nails on a chalkboard!!!
I would totally read a daily blog from a student in his class. I bet that would be AMAZING!
I could possibly support a pony tail friendly headrest.
I hear you but this story could have just as easily ended with the death of the woman and her unborn baby. That article would have featured a pic of her grieving husband and two kids who were going to grow up without their mom. Then we'd all be talking about how foolish she was and it's just "stuff".
Seconding this. When I was nine months pregnant I just wanted to sit down and put my feet up. I had fairly easy pregnancies but by the end you're just tired and that belly is just in the way of everything.
Honestly, I've always felt like doctors are pretty much non-sexual when in doc mode.
Problem I've found with that logic is that some docs assume everyone's experience should be like theirs was. So you get an OB who only had a touch of morning sickness and she can come off like "stop whining and just eat a few crackers."
Maybe try a midwife? They do well-woman care as well as baby related stuff. Of course there can be lousy midwives just like there can be lousy MDs but in general it's a more personal, lower key approach to health and treatment.
I've had good and bad OB/GYNs of both genders. You'd think having lady parts would automatically make a doc more sensitive to lady-part issues but I've learned firsthand that that's not always the case.