
My father died suddenly and unexpectedly two years ago. I still sometimes have trouble with the "THIS SHOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED" feelings. I'm forty years old.

If it functioned as birth control and made semen taste like chocolate that would be even better!

Will it be air conditioned? I think they could just build a big air conditioned room, call it the Frozen ride (or experience or whatever) and people would line up.

At least if any future girlfriends google his name they will learn about this. If I were a past girlfriend I'd be worried that there might be video of me out there somewhere.

I thought it was some sort of Times Square thing. Don't they have a naked cowboy and violent muppets? Sounds like this guy would fit right in.

Why would anyone choose not to be photographed in natural light? Everyone looks better in natural light!

Right? Cats don't wear makeup. Well, one of my cats did once when he knocked over a bottle of foundation but that was an accident. And he wore it on his paws and made a mess so it was not a good thing.

Do what you want. No one will notice or care.

The only time I can imagine a dress code note being appropriate would be if the ceremony is in a place of worship with rules that guests might not be familiar with.

Feminism = getting to make your own choices. I don't care to be referred to as Mrs. Husband's Name so I get to make that choice for me. If your mom chooses to be called Mrs. His Name then that's ok in my book.

How would it be possible for the NFL and law-enforcement not to have access to any and all videos that existed of this incident? Are we to believe that they had the video but they just hadn't watched it? That doesn't make any sense.

Thank you for calling this out. Unfortunately it's not just affecting the people who were trying to look at the pictures.

This. I know this is a little outside of Deadspin's usual sphere of interest but I would LOVE to see an article here on this topic.

Develop a strong allegiance to a European soccer team.

Sort of? I still root for the Redskins on Sundays but I have stopped buying their merchandise until they change their name. (I could never afford tickets anyway so that's not an issue.)

Even the doctors and nurses I know don't just have that stuff lying around the house.

This. I think there are few people who get what it is like to raise a child who has severe mental disabilities. I haven't lived it but have lifelong family friends who have.

I actually do think that the politician who takes the bribe is worse. The politician is worse because he is supposed to be representing the interests of the people who elected him and is supposed to uphold the law. Businessman is representing the interests of his business and doesn't have the extra ethical burden of

Yeah, I thought it was going to be a nightmare. I was doing a tourist weekend with my kids and thought this was going to be a huge inappropriate behavior-fest. I've never been so happy to be totally wrong.