Is there any connection between more oral sex and less P in V sex? When I was coming of age (late 80s) teens usually had intercourse well before experimenting with oral. Now that seems completely reversed.
Is there any connection between more oral sex and less P in V sex? When I was coming of age (late 80s) teens usually had intercourse well before experimenting with oral. Now that seems completely reversed.
This is almost as cringe inducing as the first moon party!
Silly NIU, the kids are all on Instagram and snapchat now anyway.
So wait, this grown-ass man is carrying a toy police badge and ID card around in his wallet all the time? It would be one thing to just lie and say you are a police officer but this is some premeditated crazy. "I am going to carry this stuff around with me all the time just in case."
Yeah, taunting the unhinged cop seems like a really terrible idea.
Thanks! I will order some to try.
Are they better than just using baby wipes for the same job?
These are the ones I wear:…
These are the ones I wear:…
What undershorts do you like? I wear the Jockey skimmies slip shorts. I like them a lot but if there are other options out there I'd love to try them too.
Yikes, I'm sorry about your dad. That's certainly not helpful while you are going through a health scare. I hope that he's become more educated now that HPV has been in the news for many years.
Sorry, didn't mean to bombard you. When I posted I didn't see any other replies. You'd asked a question and I had a partial answer.
I kind of feel bad for the kids because they will go out into the world thinking this is normal. Imagine going out with your friends, ordering two bowls of ranch, and then eating it this way like it's no big deal! Hopefully they learn before going on dates or business lunches/dinners.
In other threads people have said that her immigration status would not allow her to leave Ireland.
Actually, teeth aren't usually an issue. I thought that they would be but learned otherwise when I had my first child.
I learned from Jolie Kerr's Ask a Clean Person columns that you will need some sort of enzyme based cleaner for this task.
That's how it goes in Saudi Arabia, isn't it? Not sure what happens there if you literally don't have a male relative to escort you but I'm guessing it's not good.
The "safety" thing didn't jump out at me but yeah, "well being" or something like that might have been a better word choice.
I agree with you too and I don't mean to get all "but what about the men?" about it. I felt like the sentence I quoted would have been stronger without the word "female" in it because really applies to all the employees but I can respect that a female employee might be more bothered by it than a male employee would.
"If this were happening at another website, if another workplace was essentially requiring its female employees to manage a malevolent human pornbot, we'd report the hell out of it here and cite it as another example of employers failing to take the safety of its female employees seriously. "