
You do realize that a pro-woman discussion of female comics allows Maria Bamford and Amy Schumer to co-exist? Schumer’s success is only a detriment to Bamford if you believe that women inherently must compete with one another and that there’s only room for one of them.

See also: I am reading a book because I want to read this book, not because I am killing time until a man comes to talk to me.

I was just reading some comments about the Depp/Heard story on other sites and I’ve concluded that a video could emerge of Johnny Depp repeatedly punching Amber Heard in the face, and the internet would still declare her to be a gold digger who deserved it.

So fucking depressing.

I can tell by reading your level-headed and not at ALL d*ckish responses, that bagofletters was wrong and people, absolutely, do NOT roll their eyes when they hear that you have, also, been invited to the party.

I had the displeasure of spending a bit of time around this smarmy fuck when he was running for Texas Land Commissioner. He is quite possibly the worst of all the Bushes, and he hasn’t even done anything (yet) for which he should be tried for war crimes. He’s just the absolute fucking worst.

Well, that about wraps up the case, then! Good work, detective!

You and a boatload of other people could all point out until the end of time that Bill’s pic getting posted when she won the nom was merely because he was president before her. You can also argue that it was just an episodic whoopsie on the part of the media that ran that pic. None of that changes the fact tha for all

I’ve made three accusations—if we’re counting. None of them were that you said Hillary is totally unqualified. You created that new goal post in an effort to justify not taking me seriously. That’s fine, but awfully transparent.

True but politics is all about contacts and perception for all the candidates.

You forgot to start your first sentence with “Actually”.

“natural charisma” = penis

Plenty of men have also gone into politics because their daddy did, but I don’t remember anyone pausing to take a second to acknowledge that G.W. would never have gotten anywhere without H.W.- and that is probably far more true that it is for Clinton. Fuck, she might have been the only person to be held back by being

Again, go watch the race and aftermath- a good chunk of the race itself was dedicated to his glory and then the entire aftermath of her WR destroying performance- that NEVER, EVER EVER happens to a man to this degree. NEVER, and I’ve been watching swimming for over 40 years.

Look, everyone gains connections and assists through the people in their lives. Does anybody think JFK would have become president without Joe Kennedy? No. Does anybody think Reagan would have become president without being a movie star? No. It’s a ridiculous game. She was and is an Ivy League Lawyer who was always

Just here to say I don't really understand why you're getting piled on, and I appreciate you sharing your perspective. There's really no "right" way to react to a piece like this, particularly if you are a victim of sexual abuse yourself. I think maybe some are reading your first post as being kind of dismissively

Jesus guys, can you not totally mock and chastise someone who is raped by their father and has a visceral response to this story? Just be happy you have the emotional distance` not to have that response.

maybe my perspective is warped

Wow dude.

i'm not judging anybody! jesus christ