I like all their flavour experiments, but I will never for the life of me enjoy the texture of a plain Lay’s chip. They’re so insubstantial, it’s like biting in to potato dust somehow congealed with grease.
I like all their flavour experiments, but I will never for the life of me enjoy the texture of a plain Lay’s chip. They’re so insubstantial, it’s like biting in to potato dust somehow congealed with grease.
My absolute favorite that they’ve released so far has been the West Coast Truffle Fries flavor. So delicious. I don’t think it won that year, but I bought a bunch of bags right before the contest ended.
Part of it is so many reviews, and part of it is that they have 100 media timeouts. Score a touchdown. Media time out. Kick the extra point. Media time out. Kickoff. Media time out. It’s fucking ridiculous. I know they need to sell ads to make money, but there are FAR too many commercial breaks.
Yeah, many times this fall, I sat down to watch a game, but when 2 hours had passed and half of the 2nd quarter still remained, I gave up.
The last 7-5 minutes of that game took way too long. Between commercials and reviews it felt like a conspiracy to give the Alabama defense time to breathe. I don’t believe that to be the case but I might have been yelling something like that at my TV. Man I love the sporty.
I think the third quarter was two hours long.
Yeah, there was nothing more fitting for that game than to end on a kick-off replay.
“Jokes on you we’re already fucking our siblings”
How many pieces of flair can I wear?
GRR ARRGG why must celebrities turn everything into politics who cares what they think this is an awards ceremony not the time or place to talk politics GRR ARRGG
I’d proudly wear a rainbow of Fuck Yous
All the conservative butthurt over the GGs this morning is delicious. It’s not much, but I’ll take it.
Liberalism is the only potential salvation of humanity. Without liberalism, Humanity becomes extinct. Conservatives are simply too weak physically and intellectually to defy Social Darwinism.
How the shit are you even ungreyed? You give good trolls like Tomatoface a bad name.
Aww, does someone need an AR-15 to compensate for their small dick, Dark-Shadows?
Hmm. Not so much. Liberalism correlates strongly with educational achievement, and religiosity has a strong negative correlation with education.
while conservatism is just plain...disorder
I’m scared of impending internment in some camp out in the desert if I publicly mock Twitler. I ain’t even joking.
It’s how he knows he’s good at sex. He always finishes first