
I purposely replied to someone who wasn’t you because you declared that you were ignoring anyone trying to defend the concept and I didn’t want to upset you further since you brought your own experience into play and I’m not really interested in stepping on that. So I’m assuming based on what you said that you’re not

I will keep your recommendation in mind but I have a seemingly endless number of films and tv shows in my netflix & amazon queues that I make no promises. I did make a bit of headway on my queue this weekend watching both The Innocents (shot so beautifully that I’m sorry I didn’t get around to seeing it in the

Oh, hey. Fuck you, Meghan McCain.

I haven’t seen (and may never watch) The Crown because I’m utterly ambivalent about the British royal family and don’t understand why we need to make so many movies and tv shows about them. There are other royal families out there. And non royal families as well. Similarly, I don’t care if Jackie is a great film as

Child porn is inherently harmful to the children involved and destroys children’s lives. “Rape” porn is almost always staged with paid actors.

Hmmm. I don’t personally recall ‘choosing’ what it was that best filled my spank-bank. I doubt you did either. I don’t think people get to choose what they’re into in any meaningful sense, any more than people choose to prefer one color over the other or prefer apple juice over orange juice. You’re dealt a set of

I hope that you don’t truly believe that 1) watching a video of two people who have consented to participate acting out a rape scene together and 2) watching a video of a person actually raping a child, who by definition does not have the capacity to consent, are the same thing. I doubt that you do.

What’s your alternative? I’ve met enough people with rape fantasies to consider it “not uncommon”. Assuming people don’t choose their fantasies, what are they supposed to do?

I feel like there needs to be a wider distinction between rape fantasies and...well, this. Consenting non-consent is probably closer to what your average person gets off to (that is to say, the non-consent is illusory and they decide what happens to them/by whom in their fantasy) and the appeal has more to do with

According to who? Where is your proof that people who didn’t already have something very wrong with them engaged in a fantasy so many times they just had to up the ante by actually doing it?

Steelers fan here (and UK, coincidentally).

It’s quite illegal by the letter of the NFL rule book, but Steelers fans can’t read, so this was inevitable.

Nah. Anytime you put your head down and lead with the crown, it’s a penalty.

Hi Grayson!

so you kick your leg out to get your balance? yeah that makes sense

I had to travel with a coworker last year and I was verrrrry concerned he was going to come back and share with the world how awful of a human being I am because I do not travel well with others.

Hee, I’m just the opposite. Traveling with others is The Best Way for me to end up hating them for the rest of my life. Which of course teaches me that it’s me, not them. Solo traveling FTW for evah!

I figured this out when I was about 26. It was quite the revelation, and saved me from a lot of excessive self-scrutiny (that is inevitably followed by intense self-hatred).

That’s awesome! Good luck. I’ve heard the buzzer strategy can be just as important as having the right answer.

So, I auditioned for Jeopardy back in June and this week they gave me a call. I’m flying to CA in a few weeks to tape! Really excited but also quite nervous...