
This is some really thorough reporting to drop at 8am.
Deadspin Up All Night indeed.

but much worse he talks bad about me to our four year old daughter.

Best Episode - Spoils of War

Any way we could get a written version of this?

I have no idea why people are siding with Kanye. I know he’s mentally ill but he treated her awfully. He freaked out about her award (then lovely gracious Beyonce gave up her award time), he wrote a creepy song about banging her, called her a bitch as a kid, made a creepy sex doll of her and put it naked with a Bill

Holy shit am I tired of hearing the phrase “playing the victim” used about a woman who was literally just in a courtroom getting justice for being sexually assaulted this month.

You know, I didn’t care about the timing of Dragons, so much as I cared about why is Arya suddenly the worst Stark child.

Terry Gross, House of NPR, Mother of Draggin’s.

They have uncomfortable relations with a rival order:

Here’s the thing, for me I trust King far more than I trust anyone else involved and as long as he approved of the final version of the film, which he did, then I have to give it my faith it will be worth my time.

I really prefer the photo format, guys. The constantly moving camera gives me motion sickness.

So. . . no pictures? Lame.

Well what exactly is this interview? Is she going to make him look like a fucking idiot on TV, or she going to parrot all his points and nod along? If she actually challenges him and shows him to be full of shit, that might actually be interesting.

It bears repeating...

Holy shit.

I don’t think it’s a very bad idea.

This just makes me want to watch the 1st Brendan Fraser one again.

2016 can go to a very special level of Hell. A level they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater.

I have found that most people who are easily bored are usually quite boring.