
Why would they use omaze.com/chris as their URL? What if they want to do one of these for Thor or Captain America?

So, here’s the thing.. Will Amenadiel’s plot actually work?

*b0ldy steps in front of the firing line*

People, please start believing that health care IS the miracle God sent you.

I mean I watched the whole the whole thing, and even though intellectually what they were saying had merit. Jami and Amber weren’t there to talk about how about colorism and how damaging it can be. They were there to continue to bully and harass ju ju bee under the disguise of elevated conversation. Cause they were

Jubilee was my favorite contestant in a long time. She has a super interesting life, and she is a little rough around the edges and not as well practiced as the other girls, which made her really interesting to watch. She’s also Sgt. Jubilee now so haters to the left.

Film opens with a tight shot of Idris Elba’s belt, he has the horn. C’mon, it’s the right way to do it.

I think it still works. the ‘Detta’ side would hate an intelligent, respected black man as (forgive an ugly term) a house N__. So her venom for Roland (and everyone really, but again the issue is a black Roland) would still make sense. Plus, unless you can put Clint Eastwood into a time machine, Idris Elba is the

Would’ve loved to see Fury Road win Best Picture, but I take some consolation in the fact that the Best Picture Oscar went to Not the Revenant.

You’re kidding yourselves about the “large part of the fanbase bit.” Tumblr in particular helps create little bubbles of shippers who don’t realize that outside of that bubble their ship is not that popular.

Man, the man is non-stop.

This can’t die soon enough. To both “Damn Daniel” and swatting.

Something tells me that people who listen to today’s country music are going to eat this shit up like candy.

This is wonderful, thank you for sharing it.

What about if the 2 leads have great chemistry but then you bring his dead witch wife back to life and waste an entire season?

Hah. I had a guy on OKC try to talk me into going to an informational meeting about his “revoluationary business.” Apparently the business was legit, but the meeting was at a University of Phoenix facility. Hard Pass.

I think that comparison is a little unfair (but only a little), mostly because Diana is a MUCH better protagonist than Bella. It’s Twilight-esque in the way it’s super duper focused on its OTP, and its veneration of vampires, and yes, the wish fulfillment, but it’s miles ahead of Twilight in that its female

My stars! Who will think of the poor, multi-billion-dollar corporations!

OH MY GOD HOW DID I NOT KNOW THAT. Googling immediately.