
Time for a gritty reboot!

(from here. Originality semi-suspect, but plausible).

The only reason I saw it was I was home helping my dad recuperate from knee surgery and he watches Hallmark Movie Channel 24/7. Wait .. what .. I know her! Definitely think of it every time I see Nyssa on screen.

Yes. I would like to wear this, please. Unless she's not actually a larger model and the dress just inflates her about three dress sizes.

Major Tom, that’s fine, it’s your opinion, but why on earth post it here? If the “meh” is sincere, you’re wasting your time even reading Charlie Jane’s recap/review. If you really dislike AoS and think everyone should be watching Flash and Arrow, please make your case. If you’re just trying to get people upset ...

“Mistakes were made.”

Another fictional Castle that’s never been impregnated.

Does this count as a castle?


Another Gaiman novel:

Buttercup’s Baby. We got one chapter which ended on the WORST cliff hanger!

Whatever that baby is called, it’s not going to be called Diana. Perhaps—perhaps—buried in amongst seventeen other middle names, but as a first name? Not in a million years, kids.

This should give you the general idea.

Take her advice:

Can't stop posting this as it always fits.

So, does anybody believe that Waller's telling the truth? Like, "Oh, hey Ollie, I just happened to be bleeding and wandering around with a gun here because... uhhh... General Shrieve, the dude that offered to let you go home whenever you wanted, totally wants you dead for some reason. Yeah. Anyway, turns out he's in a

I was actually pretty sure Felicity and Dig already had a plan for spinning Roy out of prison - and I actually figured this would be the best one. This way someone else can pick up the Arrow mantle later without too much suspicion falling on Ollie's head again.

Isn't a live action version of the Lion King just a production of Hamlet?

Star if you couldn't resist cracking your knuckles while reading this.

Personally, I got my ankles as well, just to be sure.

I look at that picture and all I can think is "God, Laurel sucks".