
Uhm, you’re gonna need more Amelia Peabody on this list for me to believe anything you say.

You know, I came here to have feelings.

Days grow longer, battery life- shorter.

My only question is:

I swear to God if they give her a love interest I am going to have to be done with OuAT.

I have a new favorite thing. This is the thing.

I am not convinced that everything will be awesome.

JFC, Nick was a dick last season he was on and he’s still a dick.

Maybe ABC will just keep bringing him back each successive season to add tension.

Dear Chris Pine:

I was pretty convinced I was going to hate this season before it started, but man, Vince Vaughn. Outta nowhere he is becoming one of my favorite parts of this show.

Jesus Fucking Christ if I ever have to read the words “sad puppies” again I might vomit.

This has been my favorite book since I was 12. I have literally read it so many times the cover is falling off and the pages are coming loose.

I fucking love this show and it does not get the attention it deserves for being awesome.

Bill Bryson has an excellent section on this in A Short History of Nearly Everything.

Oh man- not SciFi, but Sherlock.

Oh man- not SciFi, but Sherlock.

I love it when my state doesn’t fuck shit up.

Oh Jesus. Now I understand why girls of our generation are on the GoT train, and we may not even know it....

Its got to be some combination of #3 and #4.

My concern is not her running in heels, it’s her tromping around the jungle in heels. Women run on concrete in heels- hell, even I can do it and I hate heels (see- birkenstocks in profile pic). But there is no way in hell she would have been able to traipse around on a jungle floor in heels. One of those things