
Echoing somebody else below, you do understand the concept of an expert witness, right? I know the internet promotes in all of us a remarkable drive toward Dunning-Kruger, but really? Are you also the guy who shouts out “Were you there?” to the Biology professor lecturing about Evolution?

There’s a reason I don’t touch these stupid books anymore.

Heck, focusing on all the criminals between here and Alpha Centuri is still a microscopically selfish application of all the knowledge of the universe... and Batman is supposed to be defined by his selflessness and self-sacrifice. If he were just plain old Batman, focusing on one city is a workable scope... but Batman

He has all the knowledge of the universe and he’s focused on criminals in Gotham? What idiot wrote this story? At minimum, shouldn’t he be focused on all the criminals on Earth?

A game experience or a movie experience can be way more immersive to me if I don’t start out with simple objections about the practicality of a design. ‘Cool’ is sometimes not enough.

I agree; the first I looked at that, I said, “Nope, can’t work!”

I know people love that game, but dear god was it broken.