Once More into the Gray

I want to start by saying this is probably the best comment I’ve ever read on this site, both in terms of the substance and the way it’s written.

I didn’t recognize the fleet as the new ships—I always assumed he sailed to the Iron Islands on the Silence (honestly just based on the books), which was the only ship I noticed. I accept that we’re probably supposed to read it as the New and Improved Iron Fleet, so yeah, we’re probably just to assume that the Iron

Danette, can you write one on “The Door”? I’m interested in seeing how you interpret that episode and reading everyone else’s reactions.

Hey, did you go to W&M? I’m a black woman, graduated class of 2011. 

Good for your son on getting into his first choice, and I think most of this advice is good—like, yes, do your research, get the highest possible score on the SAT/ACT, have a plan to pay for all of this ahead of time—but I disagree about using social media to “market” your kid. Maybe there are some actual college

I think it has to be a Poe. Like, there’s just no way someone could sit down and seriously try to school a woman on our genitals, low-key speculate about your labia, and then tie it all to the “problem with feminism.”  I refuse to believe this is a real opinion that someone sat down to write. 

My bad; I saw the words “smarter” and “Starks” in proximity to each other and all their show-only misadventures flashed before my eyes.

1. True, but the Iron Islands is a backwards, poor place where the only jobs seem to be “murderous pirate” and “druid,” so no one is thinking of the consequences of rewarding king- and kinslayers. They just care that he’s talking about reaving, raping, and building the fleet (which the rest of Westeros will pay for).

the Starks were a lot smarter than assumed

I feel deeply conflicted about being attracted to Iwan Rheon as Ramsay (not the stuff Ramsay does...just Iwan generally).

They are not racially offensive while actually being positive characters.

How many thinkpieces were written about Scream?

1. Agreed. A pox on all the Sand Snakes and Dorne (both on the show and in the books). I think the show would’ve been better if they had found a way to kill Myrcella off without involving Dorne.