Hegel Exercises

The last mountain man was the soldier who'd gotten the marrow treatment at the end of s2; Carl Emerson, I think? He was about to blow the door to the control room in Mt Weather when Clarke & co. irradiated the place, and then peace'd out.

I'm in a very similar place, though I've never made any attempts—ironically, the very same certainty of my own incapacity that has contributed to my misery for so long has kept me from doing anything about it. Once my mother passes, though (and that's by no means imminent), I figure I can finally dispense with this

Ugh, tell me about it. It's just getting embarrassing.

Will, an impossibly handsome man with a boatload of money, a tragic case of quadriplegia, and the determination to end his life with dignity in six months’ time.

Some of us are in our late 30s, thank you very much.

The fact that they were pronouncing the "pop" tells me they're not ready.

Wait, the Greek masturbation jokes means they're not a bastion of Western civilization?

*Philadelphians gather en masse, whip batteries at Ghost of Eazy E; go back to living in garbage*

The AV Club

Only cucks watch Beta.

Firth of a Nation is a lovely travelogue exploring the bays, inlets, and straits of the American coasts.

… I'll be in my bunk.

… I'll be in my bunk.

Just post your home phone, and that way he can call you, and you can read him the link.

It does have a strange charm.

Huh, that never occurred to me about the Persian Gulf.

Nuts or not, the evidence also weighs pretty conclusively against the Khazar theory at this point.

Not to disagree with the overall premise, but I don't think we really have any clear idea of who exactly the Huns were or where they came from (besides "the Eurasian steppe," which covers a lot of ground and a lot of peoples of a lot of different races). The old assumption that the Huns were related to the Xiongnu,

Just switch it to Korean.

I mean, I really do feel much safer knowing that this is how the CIA spends its time.