Hegel Exercises

Stay out of my territory.

Exactly. Direct your anger and contempt at someone who deserves it: yourself.

I already thought it was one of the better Hatesongs, but "You can either dedicate this song to the heroes of our nation or think about finger-banging some girl at your high school dance" really put it over the top.

That's just tremendously depressing.

On all levels except sexual, I get a ton of ass.

I hope it's Toucan Sam. Was it Toucan Sam? Nevermind; don't answer. I'm just going to assume it's Toucan Sam.

Oh, I played a lot of email Diplomacy. I actually found email-forwarding to be a pretty dodgy strategy: people pretty quickly come to mistrust the legitimacy of forwards, it's a good way to get other people to think of you as slimy, and there's not much gain over the old-fashioned form of misinformation.

Yeah, the kind of hostility you get in Risk is, in my experience, the good-natured kind where you're laughing as you call each other faithless bastards.

It's not all about boobs, Penny.

He might also be assuming (almost certainly correctly) that the median age of his audience is substantially lower than the median national age. Or maybe he's talking about the median age of all people on the planet, which is just under 30 as of 2014.

And what I'm fine with them doing it, but really, really don't want to hear about it?

Do kids not watch Laverne & Shirley reruns any more? I can't keep up with the trends.

I'm listening ….

Unfortunately, that kind of thing is par for the course.

That's why the only site I got to on the internet is the BBC.

30 Rock.

C'mon now; he plays a pretty solid simpleton.

Russians love black people? Tell that to their soccer fans.

It's also terrific in its own right.

I certainly sympathize with having to read a lot of Heidegger, and the frustrations that brings; I was certainly ready to be done reading him by the time I took a Being & Time seminar in grad school. At one point I literally threw the book across the room in annoyance. That was also probably the last time I did any