Hegel Exercises

I … might feel the same way?

I've seen bottles of that Southern Tier; hoo boy, you ain't kidding about the price.

I've mostly been doing beer over the holiday, especially Lagunitas. Had their Imperial Pils (which is the best new beer I've had in a while), regular Pils (solid), and Brown Shugga (tasty, but didn't really stand out). Out at a bar tried some strong-ish stout, the name of which I can't remember—-which is a shame,

Honestly, it probably would.

You really should go see them. I love their albums, but the live act is a whole other thing entirely.

And an LCD Soundsystem reunion tour next year!

The thing I learned when I was dropping a bunch of weight: vanity's an awesome motivator. Go with it.

Like white people don't still have whips lying around.

I'm only on episode 4 (half-way through; I had to shut it off before my blood pressure rose to lethal levels), so I haven't seen the part you're talking about, I don't know Wisconsin law at all, and IANAL (but have worked as a paralegal for crim defense lawyers in the past); that said, generally speaking: to present a

Yeah, most dictionaries have given up the fight; in another twenty years, I figure the current primary definition will be given as 'obsolete' or 'archaic'.

Uninterested, not disinterested.

While I agree that Dunst was great, and a reminder of just how excellent an actress she is, if you think Woodbine was just "spouting lines," you weren't watching very closely.

The fact that he was sporting Neal McDonough's sleeve-gun probably didn't help.

In the two (seemingly) most egregious cases, I'd say the books were at the very least no better than the TV version.

I prefer my middle-brow mediocrities to spring forth, Athena-like, from an auteur's mind.

I had the same thought about Tina writing it, not least because it felt so, so different from every other sketch I've seen in the past few years.

Upvoted both for the dipping-in-bronze suggestion and the (frighteningly on-point) Eagles comparison.

Yeah, but I'll end up jumping on his back anyway.

Yoda, but I'm seeing a doctor about it on Monday.

I've got a Naegling feeling we're in for another pun thread.