Hegel Exercises

Well, that had always been the weirdness of being on network TV, right? Starting with the angel wings in S1—"Hey, we can't show that much butt." "What if we made it gorier to cover it up?" "That works!" It's just madness. Straight up madness.

I'm not saying that my Hannibal fandom is as strong as it is because it makes you sick, but it's definitely a nice side benefit.

I liked the Red Dragon half of S3 so, so much better than the front half. But even focusing on the half I liked more, it was definitely the weakest of the three seasons.

Totally. 'Misstep' way understates how bad it is.


They're just treading water until there's another Republican president.

Of all my less-than-attractive features, sweating profusely during any sort of sustained exercise is certainly one of them.

This is the truest meaning of Xmas: identifying your shitty relations and seeing them punished for their shittiness.

Well, he doesn't like it when I make a big deal about it in public, but … yeah, basically we're besties.

The only class I've taken was an intro Iyengar one; it was great—-I liked the emphasis on holding the poses with correct form, versus other styles which are more about flow, I guess? (It also didn't hurt that the teacher was a super-cool lady who was a Latin teacher when she wasn't teaching yoga; be still my heart!

Man, this makes me want to get back into Paradox games so badly. If none of you ever hear from me again, you'll know I gave in to the temptation.

I've been running as my main form of exercise, with varying degrees of seriousness and success, for a few years now; I think I need to stop it. Even though I try to do any runs of any substantial length (5 miles or up) on trails rather than roads, I think it's just too high-impact for me. It probably doesn't help that

I've been thinking about doing the Intermittent Fasting thing; specifically, the every other day variety (eat normally one day, eat a single, 5-600 calorie meal the other). I really need to drop some lbs.

I swear I'm going to give it a try! Honestly, the only thing stopping me from watching it is that I know I can watch it any time I like because HBO has their entire library on demand for subscribers, so apparently my stupid monkey brain thinks this means I never have to start watching it.

I don't think I resent many people; I can't think of anyone, really. Lest this be mistaken for some sort of spiritual enlightenment or psychological good health, I think the reason I don't resent people is that there's some sense of being personally hard-done-by that's at the root of resentment, and I'm certain that I

I could really use any of the hug/affirmation/haiku options, but you'll need to add in some criticism or put-down, otherwise I won't be able to believe it's sincere.

One time I got some hashtag joke I made retweeted by Patton Oswalt. I immediately realized that this was going to be the highpoint of both my twitter and comedy careers, so I've never gone on Twitter or made another joke since.

I don't really remember any of the details now, but there's a great long essay/small-ish book by Deleuze about contract & sexuality based on a reading of Venus in Furs (which had its fair share of lengthy contract negotiations, as I recall).

The farther away I get from the sadness of the show not being renewed, the more I think that this was the perfect ending to the story of Will and Hannibal, and that anything more would be superfluous.

There was a lot to like about this episode: Milligan gets trapped in the iron cage of (economic) rationality after thinking himself a king; Hank's universal language; the Hanzee-as-Bob shot; Ed asking for a divorce; Betsy's dream; pretty much everything Peggy.