Hegel Exercises

Yes! I'd forgotten that he was going to be in an HBO show, but seeing that video, my takeaway was basically 'Fuck yeah, Walton Goggins!'

Other than Love Will Tear Us Apart (which, yeah, is their best known song), I don't think of Joy Division as a good "wallowing in sadness" band. More like a "agitatedly nihilistic" band.

Re: Oakley Hall's Warlock: how the hell is the first time I'm hearing of this?

I first saw Singing in the Rain when I was in grad school, and only then because it was assigned in a film class I was auditing; I'd always thought of myself as someone who doesn't like musicals of any sort. I left the screening, mouth agape, wondering how I'd managed to be such a philistine. (In fairness, I routinely

Nice! Now I'll have a snappy retort ready if my mother (who's 4 months older than yours) tries the same bullshit.

And to think, Christopher Lasch wrote "The Culture of Narcissism" 36 years ago!

That's just how it works with generational grouping, though. My oldest brother was born at one end of GenX ('66) and I at the other ('78), and we have basically no cultural touchstones in common.

Hahaha. Look at this rube, thinking he's gonna retire.

I was raised by whatever you call people born during or immediately prior to WWII are, thank you very much!

#hexis #rightreason #stagira4lyf

This is why I always try to import invasive species. Clearly, if the native flora and fauna can't beat back the interlopers, they weren't meant to survive.


I thought Fargo s1 was an enjoyable, competently-done pastiche of Coen Bros. movies and themes; s2, maybe because it's building off the characters in s1, or maybe because the main plot doesn't feel quite as directly lifted as s1's did, strikes me as more of its own thing, and it's the better for it.

You westerners and your damn cot/caught merger.

That was really a fantastic cover. I'm not a huge fan of the original, nor really of country music generally, but that's a stellar track.

As someone said below, there's room on TV for shows like this—-especially, I'd add, when they're contributing something (like lovingly shot kung fu set pieces) that's otherwise hard to find. The problem is that there are two massive charisma-vacuums at the center of the show in Sunny and MK.

The fact that Lindelof thinks Andy Greenwald and Chris Ryan are brilliant is a more damning indictment than anything that ever happened with Lost.

For a second I thought, "Wait, did they use 'Dancing on My Own' or something in this series?"

Is it terrible that I wanted her to literally rip his tongue out? Or maybe relieve him of his lower jaw? Or at least crush his head between her hands, like that guy in Casino that got his head put in the vise by Joe Pesci? No, no; you're right. That's terrible, and I'm a terrible person for thinking it.