Hegel Exercises

I got the sense that it would've been less interesting; that the only reason it's at all close is her injury. Doesn't Simpson flat-out say that if she were at full strength, she'd be wiping the floor with him?

Right. Any more focus would've stolen Jessica's limelight, and probably robbed his own series of material—-or forced the writers to insert a lot of "Remember when I told you …" exposition for anyone in the audience who didn't watch JJ.

I don't think it comes down to the show, either; there was nothing that looked comparably off with Luke Cage's fighting. Binging the show has robbed my recollection of specifics, but didn't they make use of slow-motion in a number of Jessica's fights? I wonder if that was done to try to hide Ritter's lack of ability

At some point, they stop being villains and start being forces of nature; they're villains as much as volcanoes or earthquakes or asteroids headed for earth unless Bruce Willis can blow them up are villains.

Annnnnnd, done.

One of the things I liked best is precisely that Kilgrave isn't that smart, or clever, or … anything, really. He thinks small; he's got tastes and interests that run from the provincial to the gaudy; he lacks curiosity, insight, and ambition. He's an utterly ordinary person who happens to have one of the most awesome

I've got two more episodes to go; just thought I'd pop in to say: Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

Maybe anyone looking for genes associated with intelligence should start by looking at genes for tastiness.

Spider bites man? That's not news. Man bites spider? Now we're talking!

eff/marry/kill: Tyler Moore, Bill, Murray Abraham.

The AV Club

Without upvotes, how would I know which 2 to 7 AV Clubbers found my latest bon mot especially piquant?!

Me find it to be actually pretty imitable.

"Two years away from being two years away."

It surprised me too, until I remembered that old rightwingers think of NPR as the ultimate in state-sponsored left-wing propaganda, so of course their comment section would be a nightmare.

Why do they call them 'skinny jeans' if they make me look so fat?

I do! Not a huge fan, or anything, but it's probably my favorite of the major pro sports. Unfortunately, I live in Philadelphia, so there's no pro team to root for.

Fine! I'll do it for a quarter!

Yeah; our milquetoast hivemind is totally ane.

The only way I'd like it more is if there were versions for sports other than football.