Hegel Exercises

I'll do it for half of what she's charging!

Seeing him and Krysten Ritter together is like watching some other species than the one I belong to.

Well, it wasn't very funny or clever, so don't feel bad. It's the kind of thing that, said at a party, deserves nothing more than a pity-chuckle followed by a quick exit to the bar area.

This is exactly why I only use Friendster.

I wish they wouldn't give in to there bassist instincts.

Wasn't the recent unpleasantness in Sri Lanka in part down to some form of 'extremist Buddhism'? Or am I thinking of somewhere else in that part of the world?

As an insult, I've excised it from my vocabulary, more or less. (It's probably slipped out when I've been drunk; old, adolescent habits, and all.)

I guess if they're going to be paranoid grievance-mongers anyway …

The AV Club

EDIT: And of course this conversation was already had below. Nevermind!

Buddha was rather fortunate that his followers are more likely to take an attitude of "if having one is good, having lots is better" to religion, rather than, y'know, stringing people up over an iota.

C'mon, Catholics don't always literally believe the text they neither read nor understand.

Are we really going to put any faith in the analytical reasoning of whatever it is you major in?

Good to see call-out culture is alive and well.

Upvoted for solidarity & sympathy, not, like, "Yay, Klan statue!"

You're right that it doesn't need a diacritic, but the mark is called a diaeresis in that case, not an umlaut.

I don't think I've ever written a xi the same way twice.

I never liked that rule, honestly; it prods at that part of my brain that parses use/mention distinctions.

When my ex was in law school, I caught her saying "squash the motion" instead of "quash." I was sorely tempted not to correct her … at least for the half-a-second it took for me to burst out laughing.