Hegel Exercises

Lord, let us not be judged by the things we say when we're 19 and rum-drunk.

Wait, a whole month? Do you, like, save them up? If I go more than a day, maybe two, I get real uncomfortable.

I'm sure no one would ever misuse that hashtag!

What the …? Hell is a Duplass brother.

Yeah, it's just plausible enough that I'm not going to harp on it, or anything. It still looks like a place where the narrative seams are showing, y'know?

On a related note, a bunch of classic Shaw Brothers movies have shown up on Netflix in the past couple months, too: Five Venoms, Come Drink with Me, Heroes of the East, 36th Chamber of Shaolin, etc.

Oh, I can see it, sure. I think Dodd, Rye, and Charlie work best in that scheme; Simone's not as serious as Wendy was, Jean Baptiste wasn't the badass that Hanzee is, and Bear can go either way.

It's a credit to Patrick Wilson that I can completely imagine his Lou turning into Carradine's Lou.

Seems a little more straightforwardly Bennett-y, don'tcha think? The matriarch with two sons, each hopeless in their own unique way?

I was so relieved when he got rifle-butted. By the laws of TV violence, that meant they weren't going to kill him!

I was also bothered by Hank not going in to check on Peggy, and it sure seemed like Hanzee would've had a shot at Ed.

In the end, our narcissism demands that nothing in the universe, even the squamously horrific parts of it, be indifferent to us.

You know what? You may be a fan of a rival team, but if you ever come to Philadelphia to see a game, I'll tell everybody to only throw the single-A batteries at you.

There was one you could see from the highway (I-65, I want to say) just south of Nashville, last I lived there. I don't imagine it's been taken down.

Said this below, but given the fact that the show has gotten a lot of mileage this season out of withholding relevant information, I wouldn't be surprised at all if we get some new details about, or at least a new perspective on, Nora's choice to leave. I agree that at this point it seems a little out of character for


Pipe down, chorus boy.

More of a chalice, really.

I think it was done pretty wittingly, actually.