Hegel Exercises

Well, sure. It could be indefinitely many things at this point. I just don't know why you're saying "immediately jumping to pedophilia," as if it's something the audience has to interpolate out of thin air, when Patti just plain said it. (And even if Patti is just a product of Kevin's broken mind, then that claim is

Yes, it certainly could, though attempted murder is an awfully brutal response to philandering, even of the serial variety. I mean, it's a brutal response period, but it seems less disproportionate if we're talking about child abuse.

I'm with you, but there might have been something that was a more immediate trigger for her, uh, departure. The show has relied pretty heavily on keeping relevant information from us to generate suspense and mystery.

The way Virgil referred to his man-parts as "wretched machinery" (and the fact that John shot him there) certainly points in that direction.

I was having a gay time reading this thread, then I come upon this egregious example of semantic shift! What a nice turn of events that turned out to be.

From my point of view, the AV Club is evil!

I'm gonna be ready to commit seppuku with a light saber by the time this movie comes out, aren't I?

Well, sure, if you want to go the *obvious* route ….

Huh, I totally glossed over the fact that the reviewer said it was an oral myth.

And Journey to the West isn't just or primarily the story of the Monkey King; it's inspired by, or makes use of, the actual travels of the monk Xuanzang's travels to India to bring Buddhist scripture back to China. The Monkey King is one of several companions sent along to help Xuanzang.

A total and complete mess. A good looking mess, with some really high quality fight scenes—-the scene in the rain with Sunny felt like it was borrowing from the rain fight in The Grandmaster, which is a sign of good taste, at least—-but pretty sure this is exactly as incoherent as the premise sounds.

C.J. Wilson of Tampa.

Well, specific to NYC and anyone who watched ESPN in the week or two after July 4th and anyone who follows the NFL even a little.

"Now kids are planks between beasts and instagram" — Drunk Uncle Fritz

Making fantasy maps for D&D games I'd never actually play took up a truly staggering amount of my free time in my pre- and early teen years. (That was before I learned the joys of glue huffing.) In my case, this has also translated into an abiding love of maps with absolutely no real knowledge of cartography

You know it's the weird shit if you've got to pay for it.

"Man is a rope, tied between beast and overman—-a rope tied over an abyss."

Your comment is as sensible as your name is unpronounceable.

The only acceptable places for the term to be used are porn & the old Jon Lovitz sketch "Tales of Ribaldry."

The great thing about the alt-right's embrace of "cuck" and its cognates is that it lays bare the petty sexual anxiety that festers behind their reactionary politics.