Hegel Exercises

'78, youngin'. Now get off my lawn!

Hey, Rose Byrne can kill my dad any day of the week, if you know what I mean.

Who the heck reads reviews?

There was some kerfuffle from a couple years ago where the Mets were mad because Utley did a take-out slide against Tejada, then Wright (I believe) did the same to Utley—-who, in fairness, doesn't seem to think there's anything wrong with being on either end of that slide.

Sorry, the answer is: "The exhilarating tension between being and becoming."

Hey, we have the same birthday!

I think this keeps tabletop RPGs as a whole (which, granted, is probably 85% D&D anyway) in a much smaller niche than they might otherwise be in: one person in the group has to shoulder a disproportionate and, in most cases, unsustainable proportion of the effort to keep things running and to make sure everyone has

Take a look at Dungeon World, if you're so inclined; it's a very, very stripped down game meant to produce something like the experience of playing D&D without having to learn a bunch of complicated rules. Great for a 'beer & pretzels' game.

Thanks. If we're talking about the professional class—-which is not what I'd associate with "the top," but fair enough—-then that's certainly a more compelling claim.

Can you (or anyone) give me some examples of 'people at the top' complaining loudly enough about disparities that they're remedied for people all along the socio-economic spectrum? I can't decide whether that sounds plausible or like the kind of thing that draws our attention and interest away from things like, say,

(cries, rocks back and forth)

His sad-sack look, like a middle manager waiting for his lay-off, plus the corporate jargon (a nice foreshadowing of the greed-is-good 80's) made that scene really shine.

I remember learning about ejaculatory prayer in Catholic elementary school.

It is a hell of a drug.

Random reaction time!

Really didn't care for the off-brand Sobchak thing. A waste of good Offerman.

Christ, I forgot about the UFO. The actual fuck?

Hey, Internet, I Made Us Reservations at Pomodoro

It's difficult to deny that men were told to repress some feelings; I'm not sure offense, indignation, and personal & familial honor were among them. This is where I think the who, how, and to what of offense is a big part of the story.

If only we could be thick-skinned as we were in days of yore, when we would literally fight each other to the death over insults to our honor.