Hegel Exercises

Hell, it's practically a job requirement!

Lexapro didn't work for me anxiety- and depression-wise, but it did make it really easy to quit smoking. So, hey, that's something.

I was anticipating one possible (and justified) response to the first part.

And here I thought your name would be an initialism; just how does one pronounce TCRM, anyway?

I thought Bloodlines was a turgid mess; bailed on it half-way through. I enjoyed Peaky Blinders well enough, but it felt more than a little self-indulgent by the end of the most recent season. And Narcos was a good time, if a little heavy-handed here and there.

For whatever it's worth, in my experience—-which includes being a philosophy grad school drop-out—-Objectivism is not something that crosses academic philosophers' minds at all, except insofar as it's something that students occasionally bring up in class discussions. (In that respect, she's roughly on par with The

To call Objectivism a philosophy is to bestow an honor neither it nor Rand deserve. Leave the careful study of her scribblings to precocious teens, besotted ideologues, and pseudo-educated cranks; off-handed dismissal of the sort Rabin offers here is the only thing Objectivism—-I mean, Christ; just the name of

Don't forget lingonberries. I have no idea what they are—-some sort of Nordic cranberry?—-but don't forget them.

On a very different note: Bullet in the Head really fucked me up, man.

Yeah; if anyone's not familiar with this shining example of US security priorities, look up COINTELPRO & the Church Committee.

He said 'perverts', not 'sex criminals.'

Wait, you think that's why they didn't sell more clothing? And here I thought it was the reason they sold as much as they did.

So you're a nudist, is what you're saying.

I'm upvoting this for no reason in particular!

Are you talking about this episode in particular, or the first season? If the latter, then at its best, I totally agree, but there were too many stretches that felt a lot less menacing & foreboding, and a lot more like assholes being assholes to other assholes.

Same here, except I mostly keep up with the shows I follow just fine, I don't find that there's too many good things airing right now, and I never started recording Gotham to begin with.

Why did I stick with this show all through season 1? Why will I almost certainly do so again this season? These are the real mysteries of The Leftovers, and no less unsolvable than anything on the screen.

That was my recollection, yeah, but I didn't see the locked down thread until it was thoroughly purged.

Isn't the joke that Argentinians speak Spanish with an Italian accent? And the Pope's parents were immigrants from Italy.

I was, uh, a little past 5th grade during the 2003-2004 and, yes, "soaking corks" is hilarious.