Hegel Exercises

Ugh; sorry. Lame attempt at a joke that just sounded dickish instead.

I realize things can get heated around here when it comes to the media we love, but if we can't come together over proper grammar, what hope do we have?

In fairness, you don't like a lot more than this one show.

I think I could abide the pacing, if only I gave a single shit about the main characters.


Christ, Inherent Vice was a debacle, and I'm a little disappointed in myself that I didn't see it coming. "Hey, I've got an idea; let's have this director with no discernible comic sensibility do a Pynchon novel!"

My contribution to the online thinkpiece machine: Shit like the Beyonce's music isn't worth thinking about. And that goes double for Taylor Swift.

I tried reading the first book from The Baroque Cycle, because the premise sounded right up my alley, but 30 or so pages in, I found the writing so leaden and dull and artless that I couldn't make myself continue. And it's not like I have super-high expectations in that regard, or that I'm a literary fiction snob or

Don't worry; HoC is actually legitimately terrible.

Ha, I'd forgotten about Curtis' role as Internet Expert. That was indeed terrible. I guess the guy grew on me? Either way, I put him & Green miles behind Logan. Green, for his part, I found to be never more than inoffensive, and the writers' attempts to give him some rough-around-the-edges personality slid right off

And you're saying that's a good thing?

Green over Curtis & Logan? Carmichael over Kincaid & Ross (& Robinette, for that matter)?


And a few hours later, the murder police come by and give them wedgies. That'll teach 'em to impersonate Homicide.

Not quite the same, but James Earl Jones played a defense attorney named Jack McCoy in one of the Moriarty-era episodes.

Now you've done it. You've just put yourself on Dick Wolf's list, you poor, unfortunate creature.

Amazing. At the 3 minute mark, I achieved liberation from samsara.

When Gillian Anderson shoves her arm down your throat, you stay dead.

The sexy baby thing isn't an act; she's a very sexy baby.

This is what I did. The receding hair line was one thing, but once it started clearing out on top? I gave my dome a full Brazilian.