Hegel Exercises


I don't watch Maron, but I've noticed the same noise on other things (including, I believe, movies) that IFC airs. I think maybe it accompanies the little ads in the corner of the screen (are those what people call 'chyrons'?) for their other shows?

"Who says no?"
- Bill Simmons, in his unpublished erotic trade column.

Hader definitely plays with grit. Lots of hustle. Fights for every 50/50 ball.

Man, that's really shitty. Hope you & your pals can find some way to work around NBC's dickery.

Is this effective immediately, or after this week's episode?

I think that's probably false about the 'resources', but I heartily approve of Space Jesuits.

That's not what I understand by the term 'casuistry', though admittedly I'm familiar with it in the moral-philosophical sense, so this could be cross-disciplinary cross-talk. I understand it to mean something like 'arguing based on cases'—-generating moral rules by examining cases, and then using those rules to judge

You can do what you wanna do.

Shaking down the guy on the side of the road was his best scene, imo. Vaughn was able to bring some of the manic energy that's his most winning & effective trait; too often, he has to tamp it down to try to sell the sesquipedalian schlock the writers dump in his lap.

"You can't fertilize avocado trees with the viscera of rats." - Frank Semyon, in some future episode, probably.

When Vaughn's just being the tough-guy mobster, I think he's fine; his lines are still a bit much, but it's close enough to the hard boiled vibe they're going for to get me to go along with it.

Between that and the—-here, our reviewer nails it—-Hot Fuzz-y treatment of extras, yeah, I can't quite get on board with the praise some have for it. There were tense moments, sure, but it veered off into the ridiculous too much for me to praise it, given the general tone of the show.

The terrible CGI snow completely ruined it for me.

Rust's omni-competence was a little grating by the end of my first viewing of S1; I was practically gagging on it during my second.

Yeah; you'd certainly think Roddick's time in the sun was longer, if the US media attention he received were anything to go by.

A reader of those Word-a-day calendars, is my guess.

He won't have the same ratings pressures on Starz, because who the fuck gets Starz, anyway? They might as well beam their signal straight to Alpha Centauri.

Bitch Hunter

While I think you're largely right about how hard it is to parse the 'dominating vs thin competition' problem, if you think Djokovic would've had Andy Roddick's career had he played during Fed's heyday … man, that seems really blinkered.