Hegel Exercises

Very fair assessment, and all good points. I guess I just have very high expectations for the payoff, and some worries about how the Verger arc will impact it.

Oh, I think you're absolutely right about the outline of how it plays out. My worry—and I can't stress enough how premature it is—isn't that Will won't be the one to bring him in; it's that it won't be because of Will that Hannibal's brought in.

Yeah, this is my worry. It's kind of been in the back of my head since they gave Miriam Lass the telling clue that was, IIRC canonically, Will's: Hannibal's drawing of The Wounded Man. The direction the show seemed to go instead was that it was the intimacy between the two, rather than 'pure' insight, that would make

Ha, right. Even the "you had certain disadvantages" part is compromised, since you can hardly hold Will up as a paragon of mental stability.

I think Bedelia's terribly compromised, and has been since whatever happened to end up with her arm down her Zachary Quinto's throat, but has, since then, done an admirably effective job keeping herself alive and relatively autonomous. She, and for a long time maybe only she, recognized Hannibal for what he is, and

I had the very same thought: this is one of those times where censorship is a spur to creativity, rather than an impediment. (I think these times are more frequent than we sometimes admit.)

Yeah, that's right. Will basically nailed it—-she's giving herself the same drug cocktail Hannibal used on Miriam Lass in order to present herself as Hannibal's unwitting victim, rather than compromised accomplice.

Abso-goddamn-lutely. Mads' physicality is one of the things that sets his version of the character apart from (and, increasingly, above) the underrated Cox and canonical Hopkins portrayals.

Will's face superimposed on Hannibal's also felt like something straight out of Lynch.

Some scattered thoughts:

I think you've got that exactly backwards. 'Cute' is generally something that attaches to the young, and can disappear very quickly. Beauty is something I think of as more likely to endure. (And I think that applies in this case, too.)

I just started watching the first season on Netflix. I had some notions of catching up in time to watch some of the third season as it airs.

In the first episode, the narrator/main character delivered a rant about how you can't trust anybody (or something) over clips of various exemplars of this untrustworthiness. Tom Brady was one of said exemplars; maybe Cosby was another? The number and differing kinds of people shown was pretty all over the place,

The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy has a pretty good intro to the argument, through its initial articulation by St. Anselm of Canterbury: http://www.iep.utm.edu/ont-…

Somebody euthanize me. I'm decrepit, and of no use to anyone.

Kyrgios is fine, but Tomic is douchebag enough for the whole country.

It was like David Foster Wallace took bath salts and turned into Beckett. Gloooooooooorious.

I like the way you think.

Yeah, I think that's a reasonable position. I love Hannibal, but 10 episodes sounds just right.

Easily the worst of the night. Ersatz Milch shit.