Hegel Exercises

That is a most sensible distinction.

Um, no.

What begins in shame almost always ends in a Mexican hospital with stage 4 syphilis.

Yeah, that's certainly what he's going for. I don't think he's doing it very convincingly, myself.

Yeah, she was definitely going down the kink spiral.

There can be more than one weak link.

Isn't that begging the question?

Looked like two-on-one to me. Does that count as a gangbang? I don't think that's enough cock for a gangbang.

"Am I diminished?"

Hmm? I agree with you (as far as I can tell), and was just building off of what you'd said.

Right. It's great that the Confederate battle flag is closer to the dustbin of history, and it's great that it looks like the last legal impediments to marriage equality have been leveled, but it's shit like TPP that makes it hard to give much credence to the notion of 'progress'.

When asked for his opinion, Stephen Baldwin gave it his most withering "not cool, bro" smirk.

While I can certainly understand where these sorts of complaints are coming from (even if they don't jibe with my tastes) I wonder how they'll end up looking once the entire season is through. It's certainly possible that the show will continue to indulge its 'pretentious art movie' instincts throughout, but I

That's certainly the traditional recipe. I favor 2 parts gin & vermouth, 1 part campari, myself; the campari is just so overpowering that I hardly detect anything else if I do it the traditional way.

I thought that was a tremendous episode; probably my favorite of the season, so far. For one thing, it was just overflowing with great exchanges—-Chilton, that delightfully smarmy ass, always seems to bring out the writers' wit & verve—-when the previous episodes' writing has lapsed too often into dueling apothegms,

I want to go to there.

I'm sure they did get a lot of grief from anti-abortion people for even considering the possibility, and I can understand why that might lead them to be aggressive about defending the position, but, yeah … just because a claim is interesting, counter-intuitive, and unpopular doesn't mean it's true.

"I'm all ears; they're just redistributed" is now and forever shall be the People's Champion of funny face-eating lines.

I don't remember the in's and out's of it now, but I know a lot of econometrics folks weren't too impressed by the abortion hypothesis once they had the chance to really look at it.

I just assumed Molly was writing in a Philadelphian accent.