Hegel Exercises

“I’m not trying to vilify Adam Sandler …. I was offended by the stupidity more than anything."

Whovian trawls AV Club threads, looking for hashtag-employing posts to downvote.

Jesus, how did I not make the gouged-eyes connection?

When I rewatched S1, I thought there was quite a bit of McConaughey selling some pretty shitty lines—lines that, if they'd been coming out of anyone else's mouth, would've sounded like the ramblings of an insufferable grad student who's not half as bright as he thinks he is.

Unfortunately for me, there aren't too many people whose parents named them Onanymous.

Well, sure. But if you name your daughter Antigone, that makes you Oedipus.

Antigone, just to expand on the point a bit, is torn between two competing obligations: the one she has to the authority of the polis (in the person of Creon) and the one she has to her family (her fallen brother who was denied proper burial).

It's right up there with Dylan McDermott's cry-sturbation in AHS s1.

"OK, Taylor, give us your most excited BJ face."

Why is it so hard to find an open-minded girl these days?

You're not?!

Antigone is basically the last thing you want to name your daughter.

Diddle was right there

Solid bit, but it's just 'Dewey'. Maybe more people would've missed the reference that way, but screw the rubes. That'll teach 'em not to spend their youths watching and re-watching the Three Stooges.

Wait, what?

Dude throws in a couple references to King in Yellow, and people start seeing Nyarlathotep around every corner. It's kind of hilarious.

Wait, what?

Not to toot my own horn … oh, wait, no; that's exactly what I do.

Jesus, that is what they're known for now, isn't it. That and those fucking tequila commercials.

Why do bay area fans have to make their teams' successes so hard to tolerate? Is there any fanbase that has seen so many recent victories and yet whined about being insufficiently feted so loudly & so often? Here's an idea: enjoy your teams' wins, and quit fucking bellyaching.