Hegel Exercises

This is the crumbiest pun thread yet.

Some future Tacitus writing the Annals of the late-period American republic will justly bludgeon Newt Gingrich & his 'Contract' for destroying what little hope remained for the Congress to be a functional legislative body.

If you insist on seeing Dave Navarro, at least have some self-respect and include Jane's Addiction.

That should've been my prime: I attended HS & undergrad in the 90s. But all I can really remember is the smell of glue.

Is it anymore work, really, than identifying with any other fraction of youth culture? Is it any more superfluous? I mean, pointlessly complex & perpetually changing social codes are just what these subcultures do.

"[A] rape trope benefiting a minor character"?

Yeah. My complaint with show-Mereen is more about the stupidity of the protagonists, but that is a step up over the unrelenting tedium of the books.

I'm no partisan of the books over the show—-I think GRRM may have fatally lost the plot of his own story, and I kind of doubt I have the wherewithal to labor through his next doorstopper full of mostly-adequate prose to see if I'm wrong—-but man, this season … this season was not very good.

I was fine with the Abigail fakeout for reasons mostly covered by others, but the show absolutely, 100%, no-backsies needs to not go to that well again. Lass, Abigail, Chilton*, Freddie, Abigail … enough already.

"Wait, why is there a trigger warning on the syllabus for Astronomy 101?"

I'm pretty sure the first third of season 2—everything up to the courtroom episode, which was the show's absolute nadir*—is the very best Hannibal has been. And that's saying something.

The dueling aphorisms-as-conversation thing is not my favorite stylistic choice the show makes. I think that choice is, in part, a function of Fuller's gleeful indifference to complaints about pretension; in that respect, maybe it's the price we pay for its sublime look and sound. But I also think it's how the show

On the other hand, bath salts most certainly do not.

Sure, the show will throw in the occasional corpse-totem, flesh-winged angel, debrained judge, or human valentine, but in the end, it always comes back to the classics.

Yeah, let's go with this.

And Abigail-in-Will's-imagination is something the show had already established.

And her cheeks are far less wind-chapped.

Yikes. A little more Germanic than Welsh, that.

Wait, how did he say it?