Hegel Exercises

I went to an all-boys school, so mine was a lot like that, only with tons more gay panic.

"Why is the label so important?"

Who knew John Skipper was posting among us this whole time.

Had to upvote for "Candlebox phase."


I think it's true that if we're going to diagnose 'nerd culture' as a form of infantilization, then we need to place it in the broader context of mass culture.

As a prof of mine put it: "The 70s were a time when Elliott Gould could be a leading man." Kinda sums it up, right there.

I was really upset by the scene in question, too; I immediately realized that GoT threads here are going to be toxic wastelands for weeks.

Between this and Mad Men, it was a good night for pedantry.

I like Grantland a lot, and whatever Simmons' flaws, making that place what it is—specifically by letting the writers, a lot of them relatively new, just do their own things—is a big credit to him. It looks even more impressive when you compare that to what's come out about Jason Whitlock's 'Black Grantland' (a/k/a

My 'beef' with Greenwald is that I find his writing unbearable. I don't actually disagree with you too much about his merits as a critic—he really does, as far as I recall, try to engage with the series he reviews. I'm not sure he's got the aesthetic chops to always make much of that engagement, but I do give him

Andy Greenwald is the single worst part of Grantland.

If I came to your place, I'd say I'd never seen it every single time.

I was expecting a wholesome comedy about a trip to Coney Island!

That was a joy to watch; everything and everyone was firing on all cylinders. My verdict? Full chub.

She's in the same group with Olivia Wilde & Natalie Dormer, where I'm 90% sure they're actually part elven, and are therefore unfair comparisons for those of us who are merely human.

I feel like if I saw that on the page, and you told me it'd be Giamatti delivering the line, I'd have a pretty strong intuition that it would be amazing.

He just saw a man in a hat pointing a gun at Boyd.

I just call it polite.

I like Amy Schumer a lot; I like this show a lot; I liked the first episode of this season a lot. But I did not like this episode; not even a little. I don't know if I wasn't in the mood, or it was actually didactic (something I think the show has always done a really good job of avoiding, actually, while still